Chapter 60

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The apparent leader of Group B - the girl who had shot Newt - and the blonde girl step forward. Minho and Newt go to meet them. I reach out and touch the stick, just out of curiosity. Upon examination, it really does seem to just be a stick. I bite back my disappointment and look up at the leaders.

"I'm Harriet," the girl with the bow says, sticking her hand out.

Minho shakes it. "Minho. This is Newt."

"I'm Sonya," the blonde girl adds. Why does she look so familiar? She wasn't in the Glade, obviously, and I don't have any memories- well, I do have memories, but-

The girl with Newt. My mind flashes to an image of the gun pressed into her temple, Newt being ordered to kill a Crank or let his sister die.

His sister.

WICKED's control. Newt's sister. Cranks. Death. I can't focus on the conversation, my mind spiraling and collapsing too desperately.

I sit on the gravel of the Scorch, staring at the gathering storm clouds above us. Newt has a sister. He doesn't remember her. I should... I should tell him... but a storm is coming, and the Safe Haven is a stick. Is this really what I should be worrying about?

Am I being reasonable or searching for excuses? I don't want to tell Newt about Sonya. I don't want him to know. Maybe it's selfish of me, but the thought of him being so protective and close to someone else... it makes him more vulnerable. It puts me in danger.

And I am selfish.

"Ash? Are you okay?" Newt is kneeling in front of me.

I blink, trying to pull myself together. "Mostly. But I... well, look at it. The Safe Haven is a stick, and there's a storm on its way. I'm thinking WICKED has something else for us to go through before we can get out. This is our Griever-hole, so where are the Grievers?"

Newt frowns and nods. "You're right. I'm going to ask Harriet to share what weapons they can with us. We have a truce now. WICKED made them the same deal as us – reach the Safe Haven, get the cure. They had some additional instructions and help because they were told to kill Thomas-"

I open my mouth, but Newt cuts me off.

"They didn't. Teresa took him, but it looks like it is him coming, probably with Teresa and Aris."

We both glance up at the three figures running towards us. It does look like those three...

"Anyway, I'll see if I can us something to fight with."

Group B doesn't have too many weapons to spare, but we're able to arm over half of us Gladers. I refuse to take a weapon. If anyone fights barehanded, it feels like it should be me. I know I'm brave.

Newt has a sharpened stick to use as a spear, and quite firmly won't leave my side. Thomas reaches us only a few minutes before our deadline, Aris and Teresa in tow. He looks different, somehow.

Maybe it's the way he skids in the gravel when he stops right in front of us, sweat sticking his shirt to him and a grim determination in his face.

But... no. Something happened. Something broke my unbearably cheerful optimist. I don't need to see the guilt in Teresa's eyes to know, but I appreciate the confirmation. I hate that girl.

The world cracks with an earsplitting noise, and I collapse to the ground. 

A/N: I love how I just... forgot to update yesterday? Whoops. Oh well. XD

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