Chapter Seven

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Eren slowly rinsed off his plate, watching the water wash away any leftover soap. Placing the plate on the drying rack along with the others, Eren sighed before turning back around to face his Captain. Levi was calmly sipping his freshly made tea, his hooded eyes holding Eren's own. In less than two hours it'll be lights out and Eren wanted to talk with Miksas before then. She never got the chance to tell him her opinion about his relationship with Levi and what she might think scared him. Eren knew how Mikasa felt about their Captain, also knew she wasn't unreasonable too. If she and Levi could spend some time without her trying to murder the raven, Eren believed they could get along. The Shifter knew Levi would be willing to get along with Mikasa for his sake. If he could talk to his sister and explain how he felt, Eren was sure she'd back off.

Knowing he'd spend the night worrying about what Mikasa thought, Eren decided to ask Levi if he could see her.

"Sir, can I quickly search the grounds for a bit before showering? It'll only take a few minutes."

Levi placed his cup gently on the kitchen island. Eren flushed remembering their kiss on it just yesterday.

"Sure," the Captain nodded. "Meet me at Hange's lab when you're done."

Eren tensed up.

Did Hange already inform Levi about their conversation this morning? Did this mean the Captain already knew about Eren's declared claim of him? What was Levi's opinion of him now? He probably thought Eren was some uncontrollable monster.

The Shifter fought to keep his current emotions off his face but knew he couldn't. Levi continued to look at him, reading him. Before the Captain could say anything about it, Eren rushed out of the kitchen. He ignored Levi's call and instead chose to walk faster. The quicker he could find his sister, the quicker he could tick one problem off his list.

Eren dashed around the base, going through Mikasa's usual hangouts and coming up empty. The Shifter decided to check the training grounds despite it being dark but still ended up with no luck.

Where the hell is she?

Mikasa wouldn't already be in the girl's barracks, she never went there until lights out. But Eren didn't have anywhere else to look.

He could ask Armin, but surprisingly his blonde friend was also missing.

Are they avoiding me on purposing for disappearing most of the day?

Eren wouldn't put it past them.

Sighing in exasperation, the Shifter headed for the girl's barracks. He'd look for Armin after talking with Mikasa.

Eren paused at the door once he rounded up the corner towards it, hearing light laughter and chatter behind it. He'd never actually been inside the girl's barracks before, never found a reason to. Eren had to admit he was slightly curious now. What the hell did girls do behind closed doors? Deciding to see for himself, Eren knocked, waiting as the laughter died down until it was silent behind the closed door. Eren heard whispers before it was yanked open. Jumping back slightly at the sudden movement, Eren met Ymir's questioning look. The brunette popped her hip out, resting her form against the wall.

"What's up, Jaeger? Come to ask us to braid your hair?"

Eren blinked slowly before frowning.

"Um, no. I'm looking for Mikasa, have you seen her?"

Ymir's eyes harden before she stepped out, shutting the door behind her. Eren met her glare with a furrow of his brows.

"Is she in there?" The Shifter went to look behind her shoulder but the girl blocked his sight.

Humanity's Strongest HopeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora