Chapter Eight

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Eren was freshly showered, making sure to scrub a little extra hard to get rid of the possibility of any lingering smells. The Shifter worried he was taking too long and that Levi was already waiting for him. The thought of his Captain impatiently waiting for him in his room had Eren throwing on a random short-sleeved shirt and shorts he managed to grab before heading into the boy's showers. He had a few minutes before Eld started locking the doors, everyone already in their beds. Eren managed to slip out of the boy's barracks without waking anyone, but he did sneak a glance towards Armin's bed. Looks like his blonde friend was already asleep. Eren wondered where he was while he was looking for him. Shaking his head and reminding himself that he could always ask him tomorrow, the Shifter passed Eld on the way to the basement. Eren had barely finished lighting half his candles when the sound of the door opening snapped his head up. He heard the locks being pushed into place, but in the quiet of his room, Eren heard Levi's uneven breathing. The raven seemed to be taking much needed breathes of air which Eren thought was to calm the Captain down.

What's got him so on edge?

Quickly lighting the rest of his candles, Eren turned around only to stop short at the expression on Levi's face. The raven's jaw was set in determination, his eyes hard with something Eren refused to acknowledge. The Shifter stumbled back as Levi marched towards him, the raven dressed in a long white shirt and black slacks. Eren had never seen him look so dishevelled except last night. Levi must have just come from the shower as well, his hair looking wet and soft. As the raven continued towards him, Eren kept shuffling away, ending up tripping behind his bed before stumbling into it with a huff.

Before Eren could blink, Levi's smaller form had already joined his in the bed, the raven hovering over him with narrowed eyes. Eren fought the need to grab and pin Levi underneath him.

"Eren," Levi breathed, his voice quiet and slightly uncertain. "You want me?"

The Shifter gazed up at Levi with his lips pulled together to avoid replying.

Oh, shit. This can't happen.

Not now.

Eren steeled himself before shutting his eyes closed. He couldn't afford meeting Levi's stare, knew his control would snap. It was unfair for him to keep leaving his Captain high and dry. If roles were reversed Eren would be frustrated as well. Levi didn't know what the Shifter was fighting with though. Eren wanted nothing more than to make love to Levi, claim him as his own, but the problem was that he knew he wouldn't be able to stop there. Somewhere deep in his mind, Eren felt incredibly possessive over Levi, knew he'd want to take the raven over and over before he would have been satisfied. The Shifter held back for a lot of reasons; one being that their first time should be memorable, another that he'd want to be in the right mindset as well. Eren wouldn't doubt Levi's abilities to overpower him, but if the raven was too absorbed in pleasure, the Shifter could easily take control. Eren refused to do that to his Captain, no matter what the raven said.

But if Levi were to do something, I don't think I could resist him.

Blowing air through his nostrils, the Shifter blinked up at Levi.

"It's not that I don't want you, sir," Eren whispered. "I just... Don't want to hurt you. I also want our first time to be special."

Levi frowned down at him before pulling back, sitting on Eren's lap.

"Really? Do you think that there'll ever be a special moment in this hell we live in?"

Eren couldn't answer him and Levi simply rolled back on top of him. Eren's breath hitched, his fingers twitching with the need to grasp the raven's hips and pump his own against him. He gripped the sheets below him instead.

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