Chapter Seventeen

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It was getting dark, the sky changing from its deep blue hue to a pitch-black shade. Levi was still outside, standing in the same spot he had been when the horse arrived with the book. He had opened it and after reading the single page that fell out, he could barely move.


I know you'll be the one to see this first because I gave you the only way to open it. I have a lot to explain, but first, let me tell you that I love you more than anything.

I'm sorry I left but I had to. It was the only way I could keep you and everyone else safe. I won't say much else, but I need you to trust me. I'm doing something that you might end up hating me for, but as long as you're safe, I'm willing to risk it. This book will contain everything you want to know. About the walls, about shifters and about the outside world.

We will meet again, I promise you that. You're mine, after all.


You were a puzzle I managed to figure out. I know you can put my broken pieces together before we see each other again.

I love you, Captain.

Levi's fingers trembled as he read the letter over and over again. Deep down, he knew Eren wasn't going to be coming back any time soon, but reading the letter was the final nail in the coffin. He really was gone. He was prepared for the pain that followed but feeling it was a different story.

He couldn't handle this. Walking to the base and heading for Hange's room was a blur. Levi didn't remember giving her the book but the letter Eren wrote him was very much gripped in his hands.

"Holy crap!" Hange exclaimed, snapping Levi out of whatever shitty mode he was in. "Is this... Levi, how the hell do you have this?!"

"Horse," Levi mumbled. "Came with a horse."

Hange blinked at him. "It came with a horse," she spoke slowly. "Ah, okay. You're going to need to elaborate here."

Levi let out a sigh and pinched the bridge between his nose.

"This horse showed up and it gestured towards its pack."

Hange stared at him. "It gestured-"

"For fucks sake Hange," Levi snapped. "Are you going to repeat everything I say or are you going to sit down and listen?"

Hange snapped her mouth shut and gave Levi a look. "You want to sit down? You don't look very good."

"I'm fine," Levi mumbled. "I think this is better explained with Erwin and the two brats present. I don't feel like repeating myself."

"Okay," Hange agreed, handing Levi back the book. "I'll get them to the meeting room. Why don't you head there now? I'll get Nifa to bring you some tea."

Levi hesitated before nodding. He left Hange's room and quickly folded the letter Eren had written him. He stuffed it into his pocket. The letter was for him so no one else needed to read it. Levi didn't want anyone else to read it. Gazing at the book, Levi stroked its cover before tugging Eren's key from around his neck. Eren had given him that key too, so Levi didn't have to give it away if only to open the book.

Satisfied with his decision, Levi headed for the meeting room. He chose a chair pressed up against the window and leaned against its cool surface. He had no idea how much time passed as he stared outside, looking at the now dark sky and thinking of Eren.

"I'll always protect you, Captain!"

Eren and his stupid declarations.

"I don't care. You're mine, Levi."

Humanity's Strongest HopeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora