Chapter Eighteen

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Hange watched as Levi's chest rose and fell with each deep breath. Before he faded into unconsciousness, her friend's eyes had abnormally glowed a light silver, overtaking his usual sapphire iris. After all she had seen from joining the scouts and meeting Eren, Hange wasn't at all taken back.

She carefully positioned Levi comfortably into the bed before wrapping him into a blanket. Hange pushed back the dark strands of his hair, chewing her lower lip in worry.

"You better wake up soon." Hange told him sternly.

Turning her attention to the papers and key, Hange carefully picked them up and started from where Levi had left off, sitting on the side of the bed so she could also keep an eye on her friend.


Levi stared down at the hand he was grasping. It lacked Eren's warmth but was solid and smooth. Tanned fingers enveloped his slimmer fingers, the thumbs running along Levi's palm.

How are you?

Levi jumped back as Eren's voice rang within his mind. The raven gazed into the darkness ahead, trying to locate Eren's handsome face and unmistakable mop of brown hair.

"I... I'm not fucking okay," Levi spat out into the abyss. "You left, Eren. How do you think I'm doing?"

Silence. Levi tried to strain his ears, thinking he might have missed Eren's reply before the Shifter's voice came through his mind once more.

I meant how are you physically? You're not hurt, right?

Levi was half tempted to yank his hand back and curse Eren's stupid mind tricks before snapping himself awake.

"As if anyone could harm me," Levi mumbled. "You should know better than anyone just now hard it is to even touch me."

There was a chuckle before Eren replied.

Considering just how much I touch you, I might not be able to agree with you on that, sir.

Levi scowled. "Don't be cheeky. When are you coming back?"

Levi had to bite the bullet and ask. There might have been more important questions to ask, like how Eren managed to contact him and how they might have been communicating with each other through Levi's mind. But none of that mattered. Levi needed to know just how many more stupid nights he'd have to go through before seeing Eren again. Before wrapping himself in Eren's warm arms and breathing in his calming scent.


One word with no definite answer. Levi's heart sank.

"Awhile? At least give me a time frame, you jackass."

You'll see me at the ceremony after you take back Shiganshina.

"What ceremony?" Levi inquired as his vision started to grow hazy. "What do you mean, Eren? Please, help me out here."

You've already cracked the code of the book, Captain. I trust you to figure the rest out.

Something was slipping, either Levi's mind or Eren's hold on him, but the raven could tell they didn't have much more time to talk. Panicked, Levi held on to Eren's arm tightly, refusing to let go.

"No, stay with me," Levi urged. "Eren!"

Eren's arm dragged him closer, pulling Levi deeper into the darkness until something glowed emerald and with a flash, the Shifter's gaze met his. Levi could recognise those brilliant eyes anywhere, but the face they belonged to was sterner, older. Eren's hair was longer, draped around his face and back and his jaw clenched, brows pinched together with anger.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2022 ⏰

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