Chapter Nine

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"Um... Eren, why do you have a large bite mark on your neck?" Armin asked. The Shifter frowned into his bowl of soup. He heard the question but his mind was too clouded for him to really take it in. Just an hour ago Levi was in his arms, relaxed and so unmistakably his.  Eren hasn't realised what he was about to say until it was too late. Eren knew without a doubt that he was hopelessly in love with Captain Levi. He didn't just slip up because of his lust, he truly felt he needed to say it or he would have burst from holding it in. From Levi's scowl, inability to interact with others, the harshness of his tone whenever his squadmates messed up a training exercise, to his adorable denial of caring too much. Eren loved it all. He had mastered how Levi liked his tea, had memorised each swipe he rotated between when cleaning, admired his elegant combat moves and little smiles whenever watching his squad interact with each other. Eren noticed every little thing that made his Captain tick. Everyone thought the raven was a heartless bastard but Eren found that Levi cared more for his comrades than anyone else. When Levi had left him, Eren didn't regret for a second what he failed to say. He truly loved Levi and he wasn't going to back out now. He did, however, feel uncertain.

Did I do something wrong? Was it too soon? What if I've ruined us?

"...Hey, Armin to Eren." The Shifter jumped as his blonde friend gave his shoulder a light push. Eren met Armin's concerned eyes. "What's wrong? You look like someone just stomped on your chest. Seriously, are you okay?"

Because someone just did.

Eren let out a tired sigh before shifting his gaze across the room, meeting Levi's eye before the Captain quickly looked away.

"Have you ever been in love, Armin?" Eren asked, his voice coming out muffled from where he now hid his face between his hands.

"I, don't think so? I mean, I can sort of imagine it but... Where's this coming from? Did something happen with the Captain?"


Eren could feel Armin shuffling closer towards him and taking a peek at his blonde friend, the Shifter sighed before facing him fully.

"Where were you yesterday, anyway?" Eren redirected. He didn't feel like talking about his current situation about Levi at the moment.

Armin started turning red from his neck up before stuttering a reply.

"W-What do you mean? I just went to bed early."

Eren heard the slight panic in Armin's tone and scuffed at him. Armin might have been a genius but like Eren, he also wasn't very good at lying. Maybe if Eren wasn't so close with Armin he wouldn't be able to read him as well.

"Armin," Eren began, pushing his plate away. "If you're going to try lying to me, at least try to make it a good lie."

His blonde friend's mouth kept opening and gaping like a fish out of water before he hung his head, shoulders slumped. Armin didn't make it a habit to lie so Eren was curious as to what was so important that he would try. Armin seemed to take a shaky deep breath before whispering out a reply so quietly Eren had to strain to hear it.

"...I was with... The Commander."

Eren felt his eyes widen briefly before unease settled in the pit of his stomach.

"Okay," Eren said slowly, not wanting to jump to any conclusions. "And you were with him before lights out because...?"

Armin shuffled slighting. His reactions weren't helping with Eren's imagination of what the Commander wanted with his friend at such a late time. He should hear Armin out before jumping the gun though, he wasn't going to lose his tempter like always. Eren was now better disciplined than that.

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