Chapter 9

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Chapter 9
- New beginning-


The rest of the day was spent as normal as could be. After spending almost an hour just talking alone with Elias in the library Annalise felt more at ease with Eli than she did before. His presence comforted her and for a while she even forgot that two men were out there, gunning for her head.

Two men were out there, gunning for her head.

That was a sentence she never thought she would have to say, more less constantly ponder on.

She would admit that she found it really weird that by the time Eli and her had decided to go check up on Matteo and Jules the house was completely empty.

Less than an hour ago there were so many people here, and she was glad that they were gone — more because her anxiety couldn't take being around so many huge men at a time—but  it was still strange. So she decided to ask him.

His response was rather strange though.

"There were so many people here before, there gone now?"

"Yes" he looked back at her and smiled, something he had been doing a lot lately. Something that unknown to her rarely ever happened.

He sighed knowing he had to offer a more...., broad explanation than the simple affirmation that had been given, or else that wondering mind of hers would travel to unknown places.

"I won't have countless strangers here while your staying. I don't like that —and I know you don't either."

He hoped in time she would consider this place her home, and with men investigating murders unbeknownst to her half of the time how would that ever happen?

Anna thought hard at that. Did he know she had a panic attack? Had he seen her come into the library earlier on?

That would explain why he was able to find her there.

"Y-you didn't have to have them moved because of me. This is your home a-and I don't want to feel like I'm intruding"

Eli had scoffed at that. He knew for a fact having all those people around here made her feel uncomfortable so of course he moved them as soon as possible. He knew that as long as she didn't consider this place a home then he wouldn't either.

  Anna was way too kind for her own good, always being selfless and putting others needs ahead of her own. He turned his complete attention to her now and abruptly cupped her face in his palms.

"Would you like them to come back?"

Anna blinked twice, and then after realizing she was being asked a question opened her mouth to speak. "It's your decision. It's your home"

He shook his head."That's not what I asked love. Would you like them to come back"

She felt like saying no again, that it was up to him and that she felt guilty that he had to make changes just for her, in his own home even. But that overthinking mind stopped her from doing so, she didn't want him to think she was annoying.

Anna shook her head, here eyes wide and staring deep into his. "N-no"

His thumb rubbed over her jaw before releasing her face from his hold, the area where he once touched was now cold from loss of contact and she wanted his skin back against hers.

"Then they won't come back"

That was all he said before he left.

And Anna hadn't seen him since.

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