omg the reveal

107 2 36

Two gays playing splatoon

They might smooch 0-0

I apologize in advance for my inability to write kisses


Evan felt a tug oh his finger, he looked down and saw that one of his red strings was visible. His eyes widened in shock. He followed the string and saw that the other end was tied to Jareds finger. Evans eyes were even wider now, if that was possible.

Evan watched Jared's face turn down to look at him, he watched the shock fill Jared's face. They made eye contact and were now staring at each other, unsure of how to break the silence. I mean, hey there weren't any handbooks on, "what to do if you find out your best friend who you've low-key been crushing on is your soulmate" or maybe there is. If there wasn't then Evan was going to write one.

Jared was the first to break the silence.

"...Can you see it too?"

"Y-yea...I mean, YES I CAN! ...sorry..."

Jared sat down next to Evan on the edge of the bed. If Jared was braver and had the guts, he might've grabbed Evans hand. Though right now, there were too many thoughts running through his head to even think about doing that.

"J-just t-t-to c-clarify, y-you are t-talking a-about t-the r-red s-string, r-r-right??" Evan stuttered out. Evan can't remember stuttering that bad around Jared, ever.

"Yea, what else would I be talking about"

"R-RIGHT! S-SORRY! Sorry." Evan was hyperventilating.

"Ok dude, you need to calm down."


"No. Now breathe with me ok? Breathe in for *insert number here* and breathe out for *insert number here*"

Evan breathed with Jared and calmed down. He still felt bad though. Gosh Jared probably felt terrible, having to deal with a crappy soulmate like Evan. Heck, he couldn't even get through this situation without hyperventilating. How pathetic was that. Jared deserves someone better than him.

Jared felt relieved that he had calmed Evan down. It was the least he could do, considering that Evan was stuck with him for eternity. Which Jared was actually pretty happy about but that's besides the point. The point is, Jared has been rude to Evan for the past 6 years. Teasing Evan, Telling Evan he was pathetic,the list goes on. And, Jared wasn't sure if he'd gotten better, if he'd ever get better. Evan deserves someone better than him.

"So, soulmates huh?"

"Y-yea..." Evan paused, unsure of how to say what he wanted to say next, but decided to just go for it. "uh...D-do y-you,,d-do you l-like m-me? L-like uh,, l-like m-me a-as m-more t-t-than a f-friend, causeikindalikeyoulikethatwaitfernwhydidisaythatimsorry-"

Evan was a blushing mess at this point. Did he regret asking that question? Yes. Definitely. ABSOLUTELY.

Jared had barely understood what Evan said. He could make out the, 'do you like me as more than a friend?' though. Shit. Should Jared lie? Lie and say something like, 'pfff no. who would like a loser like you?' Jared was tempted to do that. To just lie and avoid talking about his feelings. I mean it's what he's been doing for the past 8 years.

Yet for some reason, Jared just couldn't bring himself to lie. Maybe it was the fact that he found out Evan was one of his soulmates, maybe he was just so tired of lying and bottling up his feelings. Either way, Jared decided to tell the truth.

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