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(You can name yourself Denis if you want)

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(You can name yourself Denis if you want)

Anyway to the story.


A beautiful day in hollow nest the stag ways are filled with bugs eager to get to places to places but in every beauty there is a beast the deeper you go the more deadly it become, everything is beautiful in hollow nest but in the white palace the pale king has grown...Tall (if a few inches is what it's called?) and filled with worry.

Pale king: Finding the pure vessel is more harder than i thought, More and more of the vessels were showing emotion and i can't seemed to find one that is purely hollow. And to make matters worse my wife has lost the smile she once had and all eggs she laid are all dying cause of our quest to find the pure vessel, if this continues i may have to do something regretable. i must give it a vessel for it to control till i can find the pure vessel, but it doesn't mean i have to give it a clean vessel.

The king was skeptical at his choice but he will give a vessel to the radiance but it doesn't mean it has to be void free. So the king went to the Abyss to collect a single vessel for the radiance to controll.

Pale king: Now i must be quick or i'll miss my saw delivery.

Just then millions of voices cried out in agony. (mine as well)

Pale king: Perfect, I can already hear they're screams.

The place king search for an egg in the abyss until he found it. The king grabbed the egg and immediately gt back up and wait for the other vessels to come up but they all show emotions and he kick them back down and leave for today. He went to hollownest crown to offer the egg to the radiance.

Radiance: Who dares enter my domain?

Pale king: It's me.

Radiance: Oh hello there Pale dick.

Pale king: Absolute Bitch.

Radiance: Have you come to fight me?

Pale king: No, but I have a proposition.

Radiance: And what is it?

Pale king: I shall give you one of my unborn child in exchange you shall delay your plague for a few years.

Radiance: And what if I don't?

Pale king: Welp I tried best to destroy this one.

Radiance: What?! Are you insane, it is your child?!

Pale king: Yeah, but I have fuck ton of them so one missing wouldn't hurt.

Radiance: I knew you were a monster, behind that mask is a murderer ready to kill for his purpose.

Pale king: Maybe I am, what can you do without a physical body?

Radiance: I will increase my plague so I may destroy you!

Pale king: Yes and I can make all my subjects commit suicide before you can get to them.

A lot of bickering later.

Pale king: Enough of this, either take my child or I should kill it!

Radiance: Fine! It's pointless to bicker with you!

And so the radiance has agreed to take the child and as agreed the plague will be postponed until further notice.

A few days later.

The egg finally hatch and it was you but once you were born, your mother hugged you in joy but your father didn't but ignore you. The days goes by and your mother loved you as you were the only child your father decided to pick from the void.

Days goes by and you were in the garden looking at a flower.

Radiance: hello there child.

You looked behind you but no one was there.

Radiance: Oh how I forgot you can't see me because I'm in your head.

You didn't say anything.

Radiance: My how rude a child unable to speak, what happened?

You stayed silent as you hate talking.

Radiance: tell me why do you refuse to talk.

Y/n: it's tiring to talk and besides, I not important like my sibling I'm just there to give joy to my mother.

Radiance: Well aren't you just the silent type.

Y/n: call me all you want, my existence  is just replaceable like my brothers or sisters.

Radiance: don't worry you'll be fine I promise.

Y/n: I don't really care.

After that day your life almost became meaningless as you saw the pure vessel and more of your siblings being in the castle and a new half sister as well, you became distant to your siblings and you really stayed out of there lined of sight to avoid contact with your siblings but you saw the pure vessel being alone and you felt bad but what can you do your existence is meaningless to your father so you stayed at the garden talking to the radiance time to time. When you all are called for dinner you stayed far away from everyone just like the pure vessel you wanted to be alone but you know your big brother doesn't want to be alone but you can't help him.

Hornet: Father who is that next to the pure vessel?

The pale king looked and saw you.

Pale king: That is your other brother but he's more distant than the pure vessel.

White lady: It pains me to see the first child I ever hugged and loved became so distant to us.

Hornet: Will he play with us?

Pale king: I suggest not to as your sibling hates attention. But the main reason is to avoid one of you getting infected by that bitch.

White lady: Why are you so distant to him, you were holding him since he was an egg and yet you treat him like he was a mistake once he hatched?

Pale king: You will never understand me and no one will ever will.

Meanwhile you were finished with your food and decided to leave early rather than to listen to your mother argue to your father.

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