chapter 2

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Y/n: So where to?

Radiance i suggest we go to the stag stations to get there.

Y/n: The hell is a stag station?

Radiance: ...Your joking right?

Y/n: No tell me what the hell is a stag station?

Radiance: It's like a place where people use geo to access a bell to call a stag.

Y/n: What the fresh hell is a geo?

???: It is the currency of this land.

Y/n: Thank you Ray.

Radiance: But that wasn't-

???: Let him figure it out.

Radiance: And why should i listen to you?

???: Cause this boy was given to me first.

Radiance: Impossible, that pale bastard gave him to me.

Y/n: Um ray, how do i get geo?

Radiance: Were you living under a rock or something?

Y/n: Well i never gone outside so yeah i kinda don't know this considering i was a shut in most of the time.

???: You gain them from defeating infected bugs.

Y/n: Infected?

???: By the gods your clueless.

Radiance: Just go to the royal water way and head east once you reach the fungal waste and after that you head to deep nest and go up and then you'll reach the queens garden.

???: Don't forget he'll need to go into the mantis village meaning he needs to fight against the mantis lords and to make matters worse he doesn't have any charms.

Y/n: Well better get there before it's to dark.

Radiance: He's going to die isn't he?

???: Indeed.

You followed what the radiance said and headed to the royal water ways and head east once you reach the end you saw a lot of mushrooms around the area and a lot of infected bugs ignore your existence. you headed up from the bottom of the fungal waste and reach the mantis village where a lot of mantis tried to hit you but you thankfully doge them and there traps and reach to a arena where there were three mantis on thrones sitting there.

Y/n: Who are they?

???: Those are the mantis lords and in order for you to get safe passage from other mantis you need to defeat them.

Radiance: I suggest to place the flower somewhere safe so it wont be destroyed when they hit you.

You placed it on the outside of the arena and gently place it to not hurt it and so you enter the arena. You pulled the nail from your back and pointed it to the sisters.

Mantis lord 1: We accept your challenge.

Mantis lord 2: Let the battle commence.

And so it began the first mantis lord disappear and she appeared at your left and threw her spear at you and you dodge it but i came back to her and soon she disappear and appeared at your right and dashed at you but you jumped and hit her, this continued on after you defeated her.

Mantis lord 3: Thank you sister but let us handle him.

Mantis lord 2: It seems he's winded from your battle, this should be a challenge for him.

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