chapter 3

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Dryya: Ah hornet, welcome back.

Hornet: Hello dryya.

Ogrim: Oh the princess *sees you* Hello there little one ready to spar again?

You shake your head to tell him no.

Ogrim: But why do you carry that nail then?

You turn to hornet and she sighed.

Hornet: I found him wondering deep nest a while ago.


The great knights: What?!

Isma: Is he alright?

Dryya: Please tell me he used the stag station's

Hornet: No he didn't, He says he's fine but his missing arm tells me otherwise.

The great knights: What?!

Isma: Let us see little one.

You were hesitant but comply and showed them your arm.

Hegemol: Wow, that's a clean cut.

Dryya: How did this happen?!

Hornet: He said he Lost it when he was fighting the mantis Lords.

Isma: Oh dear.

Ze'mer: A-Anything else?

Hornet: When I asked him why he was wondering around he told me he wanted to visit the queen's garden for unknown reasons.

Ze'mer: M-My he should have asked on of the gaurds to escort him.

Hornet: I asked him but he said he only asked them for directions.

Isma: Even so don't do that again little one or you mother would be very worried.

Dryya: How are we going to explain this to our lady?

White lady: Don't worry I heard everything.

The great knights looked behind them and saw the white lady and the pale king but the white lady has a face of anger while smiling while the pale king was behind a pillar for his protection as well as some scared gaurds.

The great knights: Y-Your majesty?!

White lady: *dark tone* Later...Y/n, Please come here.

Everyone was standing around wondering who was y/n but you thought it was a nickname for you so you hesitantly go to the white lady.

White lady: Why did you go to my garden?

You did sign language to tell her you wanted to see the garden she talked about.

White lady: If you were curious you should have asked one of the gaurds to escort you.

You told her you didn't want to interrupt them guarding the castle and only ask for directions.

White lady: ...That's it, I will find a personal gaurd for you so I know you you're being watched over while we're doing Important meetings. Am I understood?!

You nod at your mother not wanting to anger her.

White lady: good, now go and see a doctor to check on your arm. And as for the knights and gaurds can I have a word with you for a moment with my wrym.

You directly go to the clinic while your mother was talking to the knights and the gaurds.

Radiance: How are you feeling?

Y/n: Tired I guess, but hey I got this.

You hold out the charm you received from the traitors daughter.

Y/n: So what is it?

???: It's a charm.

Y/n: Yeah but what does it do?

Radiance: It's called the lifeblood heart or something, it gives you two lifeblood masks so you can take more hits than usual and if you rest you'll regain the lifeblood masks you lost.

Y/n: Wow that seems useful.

Radiance: Yes but it's not as useful as the other variation of it.

Y/n: What do you mean other variation?

???: We'll talk about it another time, for now you need your rest.

Y/n: Okay, but first I need to go to the clinic.

???: As you wish little one.

With hornet

Hornet: I never knew my sibling had a name.

Dryya: his mother gave him that so she won't be confused on which child she's asking for.

Ogrim: So should we call him prince or not.

Isma: Little one is more common to me so I'll use it.

The great knights except isma: Yeah I guess your right.

Hornet: Well I think I'll rarely use his name so sibling will work for me.

Dryya: What ever your comfortable with then do it.

Ogrim: As always your wisdom is always reassuring.

And so your day was somewhat good and you rest on your bed so you can rest your weary bones from the jumping and dodging you did today.

Weeks later.

You were watching the great knights train the pure vessel as you watch you were called by Ze'mer. You go to her wondering what she wants.

Ze'mer: Thank you for delivering the flower to my lover.

You said nothing but nod at her.

Ze'mer: I'm sorry for sending you into a dangerous request.

You told her it was alright.

Ze'mer: Still I feel responsible for you to loose your arm.

You gave her a hug telling her it was alright.

Ze'mer: You are to kind young one.

You let go of her and go back to your room but you saw your father installing saws and spikes around the castle. You sighed at the sight of it and move on you saw your mother playing with your siblings while hornet was talking to a small group of them, you couldn't help but smile at the sight of it and went back to your room to rest for the day.

Radiance: So...any plans for tomorrow?

Y/n: Sleep maybe watch my brother train, i don't know i'm bored.

???: You can go outside you know?

Y/n: remember I'm grounded for a month for leaving home and coming back with a missing arm.

Radiance: Still, you need to go out more rather than stay in your room all day.

Y/n: yeah might as well go to the garden and watch them slowly grow.

???: By the gods are you feeling alright?

Y/n: does being neglected by your father from the day you were born feel good to you?

???: I think I touch a never.

Radiance: You should rest, your still recovering.

Y/n: fine, good night Ray.

Radiance: Goodnight little one rest well.

You were feeling sleepy knowing that your tired as hell and don't want to move so much but you couldn't help but wonder why the infected ignored your existence when you were at the fungal waste but a question for another time for now you need your rest.

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