chapter 9

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The howling cliffs, where only the brave venture.

Y/n: Man this place is so...lifeless.

Ella: Y/n, I don't want to be here anymore.

You place your hand on here to tell here it's alright.

Ella: C-Can we g-go back, I have a bad feeling about this already.

You gave her a note saying if you are scared or don't feel well then she can wait at dirt mound.

Ella: B-But what about you?

You cupped her cheek which she was showing a slight pink dust.

Ella: I-If you say so, please be careful.

You nod at her and continue to move into the area.

Radiance: I hate it, the child can't hear us because of that stupid Troup master.

Shade lord: Patience once he reaches to the torch then he'll be able to hear us...I hope.

Radiance: See even you can't accept that we'll be able to talk to him.

Grimm: Silence, the child is near to the torch, u can feel it.

Radiance: Oh and where is your so called beloved torch then?

Grimm: It is behind that wall.

Radiance: Great, so where is the door then?

Grimm: Break it the cave...find my friend.

Y/n: seriously how much does ray and shade sleep? And break what exactly?

Grimm: The wall...break it.

You were wondering what wall it meant so you drew your nail and began to hit the wall, some of the wall was hard but the one you hit wasn't so you continued until you tore it down. Then when you walk in it was dark but you stop and focus you sight and saw there was a drop, you grabbed the mantis claw and decent slowly until you hit the ground and saw a corpse of a traveler and you pick up a wanderers journal but it was to dark for you to read so you put it your pocket.

Grimm: Break the wall...and find my friend.

Y/n: Okay, I should have listened to Ella. But I got this far so might as well finish it.

You drew your nail again and blindly hit the wall and break it.

Grimm: Find them...and lit the torch.

You slowly walked in side and saw a lot of torches but you saw a pile in the middle of the room but you don't know what it was, you then felt like something was calling for you and you walk to the source and saw a dead bug.

Y/n:Man your fucking huge, why do you have that weird hood thing?

You saw a little light on the corpse and slowly reached for it then the little light exploded and a lot of bright red lights with a familiar pattern to it.

Grimm: Light the the room before.

You walked to the room again and saw a giant torch and some kind of coal.

Y/n: That wasn't here before.

Grimm: Please...strike it...and call us.

You were hesitant at first but hot a few times till the torch kit up and soon the other torches lit themselves on fire.

Grimm: Thank you... please visit the village tomorrow-

And soon the voice faded and you wondered who that is.

Radiance: Child can you hear us?!

Y/n: yes and what do you mean can you hear us? I have been calling you guys for a while now.

Radiance: Listen whatever you do don't finish the ritual!

Y/n: Why, It was asking for help?

Shade lord: Listen to me, do not face the nightmare king, you will not win.

Y/n: nightmare king? What's that?

Radiance: He rules the nightmare realm and bend your dreams to his will.

Radiance: Do not and I repeat do not go to dirt mound tomorrow!

Y/n: What's the problem?

Radiance: Just listen to me and don't go there!

Y/n: Geez fine you don't need to be so loud.

Radiance: I have to cause it's never good.

Y/n: Fine, let's get Ella and go home.

You exit the cave and slowly reached dirt mound and saw Ella waiting at the bench there.

Ella: Your back!

Ella hugged you and you return the gesture.

You gave Ella a note and tell her you want to go home.

Ella: Yeah, i think it's best for us to rest.

You nod at her and follow her lead.


Grimm: Foolish moth you can't keep him from the ritual It will be completed no matter what it takes.

Tomorrow morning.

You woke up and do your daily routine and walked to the dining room with Ella and soon you and the others are in the dining room eating until.

Messenger: Sire, Sire! I am sorry to interrupt but I have urgent news.

That made the knights look at the messenger as well as the the others.

Pale king: Speak.

Messenger: There's a Troup in dirt mound and the leader calls for a meeting with you.

Pale king: I have no time for this send him away.

Messenger: But he said that the nightmare king wishes to speak with you!

The knights and the kid looks confused but you mother and father had face of astonishment.

Pale king:...bring him here, I wish to speak to him.

Messenger: right away you highness!

The messenger ran away and you looked at your father who had annoyance written on his face.

Pale king: Why is He here?

White lady: I believe it is time for his ritual to begin.

Pale king: But how and why now did he decided to conduct his ritual?

White lady: We will never know.

Y/n: I fucked up didn't I?

Radiance: Oh yes you fucking did.

Shade lord: To be fair we did try but we were blocked by his magic.

Y/n: Blocked by magic?

Radiance: Yes although it's ancient magic, which is hard to de spell it.

Shade lord: Yes but for now be ready for anything.

Y/n: I'll try.

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