chapter 5

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You, isma and ghost walked around the hive seeing a lot of bee's with restaurants and saw a bee having a stack of pancakes with a large amount of honey syrup. and a fountain with flowwing honey.

Y/n: That looks delicious.

Radiance: I had royal honey before and it was to die for.

Shade lord: It is, you can make many pastries with honey and they can also be used as a glazed. The many possibilities honey can do, It's no wonder the bee's gaurd it with they're life.

Y/n: Now i'm hungry for honey cakes.

Radiance: Pair it with tea or coffee and that's true heaven.

Isma: Y/n dear, are you alright.

You told isma that the air taste sweet.

Isma: It is cause the walls made with honey combs that contains honey.

You may not express it but you really wanted to dig your face in the honey fountain and i think ghost had the same idea, he tried to get away from Isma's grasp so he can drink the honey from the fountain. but you petted him and told him we can try some later.

Isma: Little ghost, y/n. Do you two want to taste the honey?

You and the baby ghost nodded at isma words.

Isma: We can have some when your father returns from his meeting.

You nodded at her but ghost was disappointed, you stroke the little vessel's head to tell it to be patient. You and the others were wondering the hive and you both saw the queens castle or something. When you entered you saw a bee with a long needle and seems to be gaurding the door.

Isma: Hello hive knight.

Hive knight: Isma, It has been many moons since i saw you. How are you my dear freind?

Isma: Fine, I am taking care of the kings children while he talks to queen vespa.

Hive knight: Looks like your handling them just fine.

Isma: Yes but these two are somewhat tiresome when Watching them.

Hive knight: Like what?

Isma: Last week this one lost his arm when trying to go to the queen's garden and this one hitch hike under his brothers cloak so he can come with us.

Hive knight: Quite a handful then?

Isma: Indeed.

You looked at hive knight as he looked like a powerful foe.

Y/n: Should i fight him?

Radiance: Sure if you want to.

Shade lord: Careful he seems more agile than the other knights in this kingdom.

After thinking for a few seconds you grabbed your nail from your back and pointed at the hive knight.

Hive knight: It seems the little one wants to test me.

Isma: Little one no, Your mother will kill us.

Hive knight: Sorry isma but can you please step aside the child wants a fight so he'll get what he ask for.

As soon as a bee knight saw the hive knight draws his blade it was then that the bee knight told the bees about the battle, Soon a lot of bee's swarm to see the fight between hive knight as well as yourself. isma was dragged to the side lines to watch the fight unfolds.

Meanwhile with the pale king.

Pale king: Thank you for accepting to train hornet and the pure vessel.

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