chapter 4

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You were sitting at the end of the table eating your breakfast with the pure vessel and it was going normal as usual until.

Pale king: I'm taking the pure vessel with me so he may understand the infection better.

White lady: How about you bring y/n with you.

Pale king: And Why my root?

White lady: You haven't spend time with him since he was born and have been avoiding him like the plague and i haven't found a perfect body gaurd for him and if you say no well then *Turns into a dark tone* we will have another talk my Beloved Wyrm.

The knights knew what's going to happened and gain some distance from the white lady and the king. the knights could see how the king was scared for his life as well but he straighten himself up and stand.

Pale King: Fine, Y/n!

You looked at your father as well as your siblings were looking at him hornet was also surprised as well.

Pale king: No little ones i was talking to your older sibling.

They all looked at the you and the pure vessel.

Pale king: You are joining me in my meeting with the Queen bee vespa, I expect you two to be ready when we depart. But this could also let me see how well behave that absolute bitch is.

You looked at you father with a blank stare and you just only nod and left the room.

Ogrim: Well is it a yes or a no?

Pale king: Yes he accept, now where were we?

Hornet: That's rare for father to ask one of us to join him except for the pure vessel.

Hornet was talking to kin who also understands the weird events.

Hornet was talking to kin who also understands the weird events

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(This the broken vessel or lost kin but uninfected)

Kin was telling hornet not to worry as your father only wants train the pure vessel and has no attention to you.

Hornet: I know but-

Kin told hornet to relax for a bit and breath and pray that you make it back home in one peice.

Hornet: ...That's not helping at all.

Meanwhile you were in your room getting your stuff ready.

Radiance: Look who's excited to go somewhere.

Y/n: Well yeah this is the first time father asked me to join with him on his work and besides, *equipped the lifeblood heart* I'll be able to see the different parts of hollow knight little by little.

Radiance: Well aren't you the little optimist?

???: Silence, Let him be.

Radiance: Oh i'm sorry mister old and ancient, do you also want me to change you as well?

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