chapter 17

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You woke up in a cold sweat, you looked around and saw it was still night.

Y/n: Was that a nightmare?

You looked at the bed and saw the two grimmchild sleeping peacefully on your bed.

: The natural order of the Multiverse has been altered and it seems your the main reason.

Y/n: What did she mean I cause something to be different?

You stood up and went towards the window to breathe the fresh air.

: Tell me why did you suddenly have hornet even though she's not supposed to be born until the Hollow Knight Reached the age when he's ready to seal the radiance? Or why elder bug is an old bug instead of a young bug? Or Why haven't you met the mantis lord's brother?

Y/n: ...was she...

: your causing a rift between what's supposed to happen and what's supposed to not happen, You we're meant for death like your other siblings but something changed and it was all sourced to you. a Vessel that was supposed to die like all your other siblings, yet here you are alive and making the worlds story completely different.

Y/n: ...Right?

You looked at the outside as you Stare at the gates wondering if everything up till now was never supposed to happened.

Y/n: ...Is it really my fault?

You looked over and covered the grimmchilds under your sheets and you went outside not waking anyone up. You went towards the garden and laid down on the ground looking at the ceiling.

Y/n: Was I ever meant to be here?

You listen to the peaceful silence as you roam in your own thoughts.

Y/n: I wonder what will happen if I wasn't even born? Will everything be different or will everything be the same? I...I don't even know what right and what's wrong anymore. I...I need a vacation.

You looked at the same flower you watched way back when you were so young.

Y/n: Hello old friend.

You sat up straight and looked at the flower. You felt somewhat nostalgic when you look at the flower.

Y/n: Even if I wasn't supposed to be here at least you still accept me.

You continued to look at the flower while also talking to it.

Y/n: I wish you were able to talk so nobody will think I'm insane...But maybe I already am.

You looked at the flower as it was swaying with the wind.

Y/n: I may be lonely but my brother is also lonely, he has the pressure on him being called the "pure" vessel. But father forgot one thing. Nobody is born without feelings if you have anger or hate then that shows you still have feelings.

As you sat there you look at the ceiling one more time before going back to bed.

Y/n: I wonder if ray or void are still awake? Maybe their already asleep when I woke up.

You stand up and went back towards your room but not before looking at the mess of saws your father was installing.

Y/n: I hope that everyone can keep their sanity if they ever attempt this.

You went back to your room and went back to bed but not before making the grimmchilds comfortable again.

Y/n: Forgive me if I annoyed you in your slumber little ones.

You lay your head on the pillow as the darkness consumes you in your sleep but the words of the keeper echoes in your mind even in sleep her words cuts deep in your mind.

(In the dream world)

Radiance: I wonder why the child woke up?

Shade lord: He must be doing some soul searching.

Radiance: A what?

Shade lord: He's wondering if he was meant to be alive or not, if he was meant to be here or not, if he had any purpose at all. And frankly I prefer him to be alive but our plans cannot be delayed.

Radiance: I to wish for him to be alive as well but if we want freedom from the dream world and roam the world once again then we cannot delay any longer. I hate this place, it reminds me of my imprisonment by that wrym. This maybe my source of power but i carve to go out of this domain to feel free, to feel the breeze once again and not some imaginary wind.

Shade lord: Indeed the void is always dark, perfect for me but I too miss the moon lit night of the outside world, the breeze of the wind and the comfort of the fire under the moonlight as well as screams in the darkness.

Radiance: about being edgy.

Shade lord: and there you go with those weird slangs once again.

Radiance: It's not my fault that edge or edgy fits your description so perfectly and frankly I like some of these new slang words as well.

Shade lord: I wonder why the nightmare king gave this child...this power?

Radiance: Don't know, don't care. All I care is that he's gone and we can do what we were planning to do in peace.

Shade lord: Not a fan of him?

Radiance: Bastard ruin my plans once.

Shade lord: Which is?

Radiance: Your demise but it seems you beat me to it.

Shade lord: I'll take that as a compliment.

Radiance: Shove it up your ass you void loving bitch. Now excuse me while I plan for our escape.

Shade lord: *sigh* why am I not surprised?

The shade lord look through your mind as you have many doubts about yourself after having what seems to be a nightmare.

Shade lord: What happened to you while we slept young one?

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