5: Seth Help

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POV: Narrator

Seth: Chicken Noodle Soup please.

Server: Coming right up. Here you go.

Seth: Thank you.

Seth walks to the corner of lunch room as he usually does. He takes a seat in the seat he always has. The table fitted for ten has its first customer.

He takes off the lid of his soup and pulls out a spoon from his pocket that he took from the front of the lunch room.

He dips it in and carefully pulls it back out near his mouth and blows on it. Then drinks it.

Cameron: Hey buddy!

He hit his buddy on the back, making him choke.

Cameron: Oops.

Tyler: Stop doing that.

Cole: Gave me a heart attack also.

Seth: Yea well I was eating, it's worse then just breathing.

The three also sit at the table.

Cameron: It's been two weeks of school and all you get it soup.

Cole: You need protein you know.

Seth: There's chicken in it.

Cole: It's not enough. That's why you're so skinny.

Seth: But I like soup. There's going to be a bread bowl next week.

Cameron: I mean all I eat is chicken tenders.

Cole: That's not good either. You guys have to eat better.

Seth: But all you eat is salad.

Cole: BECAUSE IT'S HEALTHY!!! What do you eat on the weekends?

Seth: Hmm, well, there's a McDonald's on the corner of my street.

Cameron: You're not helping your argument Seth.

Tyler: Hey Seth, can I ask you something.

Seth: What's up?

Tyler: Can you help me learn how to drive?!

Seth: Huh?

Tyler: I got my license, but I actually didn't play any attention in any of the classes. And it's actually a miracle I passed.

Seth: Isn't that dangerous? And why didn't you play attention? Driving is important. And why not ask your dad or something?

Tyler: You know how embarrassing that would be!

Seth: Well you took range no?


Cole: No, how did you even get the thing?

Tyler: I DON'T KNOW!!!

Seth: Didn't you have to drive in front of the guy and he tell you where to go?!?

Tyler: No!

Seth: Dude, I think it's like, illegal for you to have that thing.

Tyler: I know so will you teach me!!

Seth: Huh?

Tyler: Come on dude, I just told you.

Seth: Oh, well, I guess.

Tyler: Thank you!

Cameron: Oh I'm not missing this.


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