Chapter Twenty-Two: Little Things

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True to what Jam and Fresh thought, there were books that explained what Fresh was saying better and in more detail. It all was embarrassing to read and learn. Honestly, he should've began learning about this stuff years ago! Yet again, time passed differently in the Witch's Garden... This information probably wasn't available then... Or was poor at best...

With that in mind, the teen pushed it aside the best he could. He still read the older books that still made his 'hormonal' body react so strangely. He still was practicing magic, but it was fluctuating. Fresh told him that it's because his body was changing that his witchy magic was reacting to that.

Though, honestly, the young skeleton had to say the worst that this change was doing, was making him sensitive to Fresh.

Not emotionally sensitive, that only happened a few times when Jam was testing out being a woman. He didn't like the heighten hormones once a month thing and from what he read non-skeleton women bleed one a month with those heighten hormones. He actually feels sorry for them... They don't get the option of just skipping that.

No, Paper was being physically, verbally and visually sensitive to the witch. He just doesn't understand why!

There was that one time that PJ couldn't get a book from the school section because it was too high up! And when Fresh had reached to grab it, his shirt rode up, showing off the faintly formed body that he had. Seeing just a glimpse of that had the teen blushing like crazy!

Then there was the time after witch training, Fresh gave the teen a kiss on the forehead. This was a relatively new thing, started at least a few years ago for them. Yet, this had made the younger's body burn like it was on the sun! That area tingling with faint memory of the kiss!

Finally, the time when all Fresh asked was if Jam wanted to help him make a Chocolate Cream Pie. Thing was, the little reader had only heard the last two words, which had caused him to panic and say he wasn't ready for that. This got a confused reaction out of the witch, who raised an eyebrow and slowly repeated his question. The younger of the two had apologized and nodded to help the older.

Now those were just the ones that stood out! There were plenty more times! Most of them were physical or visual, but damn were those times making Jam question more things about himself! About that damn witch too!

Huffing some, he decided to research it on the little bit of internet that he did have. He was lucky that he was able to talk with some people... Even if it wasn't for long.

Anyway, he talked with several people. A couple of them laughed at him, but didn't say anything. Another few told him what he was feeling toward Fresh wasn't appropriate as Jam said the witch was his Guardian since his parents were gone. Then finally, the last some of people told him what he was feeling.

There were only really two possibilities. Either he loves the warlock or he wants to have sex with him.

Just great...

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