PART 103

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If the response will be good like last chapter, we can have one more chapter in this month.

Holding first aid box in her hands shehnaaz moved back to him. Sitting on the bed with his head resting back he kept observing her silently.

Avoiding to look at him she climbed on the bed and folding her legs she set in front of him. Holding his arm she leaned closer to him and started to clean his wound with extreme softness in her moves.

Sidharth kept looking at her with all his attention while she was busy in her work. A slight smile came on his lips seeing how she hissed while cleaning the wound as if it was hurting her.

He himself didn't feel any pain. It was just a little scratch for him but for her, it was hurting her thinking how painful it must be when his skin got pierced with something this sharp that his skin got pierced so deep.

She kept bandaging his arm without making any eye contact with him knowing well his gaze on herself. She could feel him looking at her continuously but she chose to ignore.

She was upset with his behaviour this time. First he went out in the night and didn't even inform her that where was he going. Then he came back with this deep wound on his arm which she was unable to bear.

Her eyes were moist with another layer of tears forming in her eyes. How could she see him harmed? Her heart couldn't take that.

She knew once she looked at him she would end up crying again. That she didn't want at that moment.

The tears she was controlling were converting into anger. The anger was for him. He couldn't do like this every time. She asked him last time too not to go out in night but he did the same again.

She still didn't know how he got this wound. What if something bad have had happened to him? What she would have done when she didn't even know his whereabouts.

He couldn't see even a little scratch on her but didn't care about this deep cut he was having. He couldn't ignore himself like this. She would not allow him.

Bandaging his arm properly she put the things back in the first aid box and closed it. Not even for a second did she look in his eyes. She didn't want to.

Realising she would not look at him nor would talk to him, he felt his heart starting to engulf with restlessness. He couldn't afford her ignorance. It was taking his peace away.

He knew she was angry with him and this time he was really scared of her anger. If she would have punched him, slapped him or beat him up, he wouldn't have minded at all but this silent treatment of hers to him was extremely intolerable for him.

It was just a few minutes of her ignorance and he was already loosing his mind. She had to talk to him, he needed her.

Getting up she moved to get down the bed but his tight grip on her wrist didn't let her go off the bed. He wanted her close.

Standing on her knees on the bed she kept her face on the other side not wanting to look at him but didn't even try to pull her wrist out from his grip.

Seeing her still not looking at him he pulled her wrist making her fall back in his lap. Stretching his one leg he adjusted her in his lap while she quietly set there looking down.

Her one hand was gripping his shirt without her own knowledge. It felt too natural for her to even realize but he did realize bringing a soft smile on his lips seeing the tight grip of hers.

He would make her talk to him. He needed it for himself.

"Naaz, talk to me" wrapping his arm around her waist sidharth pulled her closer while she didn't protest but kept her gaze on her lap ignoring his words. He didn't like that.

Junoon (Sidnaaz)✅जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें