Chapter 1

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I was walking home from school, lightly bopping my head to the music pounding through my ear buds.

By the time I reached my front door, my calves were burning and my breath came out of my chap lips in short uneven puffs. Unlocking the door I walked in on my parents arguing about something. They both stopped and turned to me when they heard the door 'click' shut behind me. That's when I saw the wet tears on my mother's cheeks and the worried look plastered on my father's face.

What was going on? Was I miss something? I slowly walked up to my parents, dropping my school bag and phone at the door on the way. I wrapped them both up in a hug, just enjoying the silence and the warmth of the hug.
Slowly pulling away from them, I could see fresh tears on my mother's pink cheeks. "What's wrong?" My voice croaked. They both looked at each other before turning back to me.

"Honey, I think it's best if we all sit down with a hot cup of tea" my mother whispered, avoiding eye contact with me. This was some serious stuff, she only ever brought out the tea if it was something I wasn't going to like.

After sitting on the lounge avoiding eye contact and taking small sips of my tea for 10 long minuets, I had had enough.
"Enough, what is happening?" I pushed. They both looked startled and shifted uncomfortably in their seats. I stared my mother down, waiting for an answer for all of this crazy nonsense. Her blonde hair fell to the side of her face as she tried to look away from me.
"w-we should have tol- told you earlier" my mother started.

Hope you like the cliffhanger, what do you think is going to happen? You should definitely go and read the umbilical-sisters story, it's so good! A friend and I have been writing it together.

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