Chapter 11

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*Recap* (Zayn's POV continued...)

Bae and I sat down across from the other lads awaiting the landing of the plane.

The plane began to make its decent onto the runway. Bae appeared to be apprehensive about the lack of seat belts on the plane. My hand instinctively grabbed hers to comfort her. Her eyes opened wide with surprise at my reaction, before sending a small smile in my direction.

I found it hard sharing Bae as a mate, with my four friends. I felt as though she should be mine, and only mine in every way possible.

I realised then that sharing Bae as a mate with my best friends would be the hardest thing I had to do in my life, and something that made my blood boil. Bae was mine and only mine.

I promised myself in this moment 'Bae would be mine, and only mine. I don't care how long it takes, or who I must go through to severe the link my friends have with her. Bae will only be my mate'.

"Zayn?" an angelic voice questioned. I snapped out of my daze to turn to my angel, Bae.

"Yes, love?" I questioned.

"Do you think the people in the palace will like me?" she insecurely enquired. I was shocked, she was perfect in every way. How could someone think poorly of her.

"How could you think such a thing? Of course, they will love you as we do" I responded to her insecurity.

"I mean, they don't really know me. To them I'm just a girl turning up at the palace who is in line to inherit the throne." She sighed "but I don't want to be that person, I've dedicated 2 years of my life to training to help people through medicine. I don't even know the first thing about politics."

"hey" I soothed, grabbing both of her hands as I turned to look into her eyes "you are an amazing woman who is going to accomplish incredible things. You just must not worry about what others think, only of how you view yourself. If they don't love you, then none of us want anything to do with them. You are perfect just the way God (the moon goddess) made you to be".

Her eyes glossed over with tears, before she wrapped her arms around me tightly in a warm hug. Her tears fell onto my shoulder as she continued to hug me. "Did I say something wrong Bae? I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. I really care about you and was only trying to make you feel better. You really are an amazing person" I quickly added.

She pulled away slightly "of course not. You're so sweet and kind Zayn. Whoever your lady is, she is one lucky woman to be with you. You really know how to make a lady feel better" she lazily smiled back at me. Her face was inches from mine, I could almost taste her lips on mine.

My wolf was growling out at me to kiss her. I knew better than to force a kiss on a human mate this early, it could take weeks to re-connect with them. Although the kiss was undeniably tempting, I could be patient for her. I soothed my wolf by reassuring him that she would be ours soon enough. 'And then I would never restrain myself from kissing her ever again' I thought to myself.

"I am currently unattached my lady, the woman's love I seek does not reciprocate my feelings" I sighed. She began to slowly sit back in her seat next to me, I could feel the cold creeping in where she had previously warmed with her pale skin.

Bae smiled brightly back at me "then you must woo her the old-fashioned way."

I smiled back at her "how would one go about wooing a lady?" I enthusiastically questioned her.

She lightly hummed turning her head slightly to think "umm, well. For me it would be the little things like: holding the door open, avoiding looking at a phone, playing with my hair, watching romantic comedies with me, I'm not one for gifts but other girls are. Those sought of things might help get her interest in you, and if they don't work send her to me for a 'friendly' chat. Your amazing, no one in their right mind would turn you down."

I smiled from ear to ear. She just gave me so much information, and it appeared that none of the other boys were listening to her thoughts. This gave me a leg up to get her to fall for me over them. "You don't like gifts?" I questioned thoughtfully, "then what do you like?" I lightly laughed.

She thought about it for a second "it's not that I don't like gifts, its more I don't like gifts like dresses or jewellery. Something that is from the heart or even being taken out for a special date would mean heaps more for me than physical gifts that don't hold any meaning."

'Awesome' I thought. Now I have so much to work with, "let the wooing begin then, mi lady." She chuckled at my comment.

Her smile was thrown from her face as the plane hit some turbulence as it began to descend onto the runway. Bae grabbed my arm with both hands and began to mumble under her breath "why doesn't this stupid plane have seat belts, it has a bloody bed for goodness sake..." I chuckled under my breath. 'She was perfect' I thought to myself 'and soon she will be all mine.'

Hope you all like the new update! I know it's been an age since I have updated this story, but I hope you can forgive me.

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