Chapter 3

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Hi guys, it's great to see that some people are reading my book! I hope you like it and check out some of my other stories on my account. Enjoy...


Walking up the long winding snake path I reached into my back pocket to grab my phone when I was hit by something hard. I waited for the impact of the hard concrete, but it never came. All I felt was light tingles dancing across my skin.

"I'm so sorry, sweetheart. I need to watch where I'm going more often" a husky British accent filled my ears. I reached out and grabbed at his arms, my eyes still tightly closed.

"Is it safe?" I whispered, unsure if I had fallen and hit my head too hard.

 A deep chuckle resounded from the man holding me "I think so." Slowly opening my eyes I was met with a pool of vibrant green orbs. The man holding me had large biceps and a six pack, which was visible through his lightly damp black shirt. I looked up into his eyes to see curiosity and pride? I was never good at reading eyes.

"Thanks for saving me from that fall, who knows how long my face could have been bruised for" I joked using a fake high pitch voice. The guy looked shocked and suddenly let go of me, I began to fall again. This time a small squeal left my chap lips.

Again, there was no impact as I was caught in strong arms once more. I peeled open one eye to see that the green eyed stranger had caught me for a second time. Pushing him away so I could stand on my own feet, I turned my head to the ground searching for my phone. It lay on the dirt a little way from the concrete path, I bent down to pick it up and found a medium sized crack on the screen. "Just great" I mumbled.

"Is everything okay?" the man beside me questioned. Drawing myself up from the dirt I turned around to face him "everything is fine, it was nice meeting you and all but I have to go now." Pushing past his large frame I continued to walk up the path and towards the top of the hill.

"No, please wait" he hollered, briskly walking to my side. Briefly turning my head towards his direction I noticed curiosity etched on his face.

"I'm sure you're a nice guy and all but I really just want to be alone right now" I patiently said.

Continuing to walk up the path, I could see the top of the hill now and was satisfied with how far I had travelled with all of these distractions.

"You can tell me what's bothering you. It's scientifically proven that when you tell someone else your problems they don't seem so big anymore, even telling a stranger can help." His British accent was music to my ears, yet how could I tell a stranger I was royalty. He would think I was insane.

"Maybe some issues are too important to share with strangers" I retorted breathlessly as we reached the top of the hill.

"Harry" the man beside me smoothly said. I turned my head towards him utterly confused "sorry?" I asked.

"My name is Harry, Harry Styles and I'm in a band of boys called One Direction." He responded. It all suddenly dawned on me, I was so caught up with everything I had just heard that I didn't even realize that a member of One Direction was following me up a hill!

"Bae" I whispered. He nodded his head "Bae" he whispered to himself as if to remember my name.

"Do you have a last name Bae?" he questioned.

I couldn't take it anymore, my body and mind were physically tired from everything that had just happened. Everything broke apart like a shattered window with that one question, it was so simple and the answer should have been obvious. What was my last name?

Was I still the same girl that had dragged herself from her bed this morning and raced around the house only to arrive at school late for the billionth day in a row. The same girl who curled up in a ball at night to keep warm and hide the light of her phone screen from her ever watchful parents. There was no answer.

I fell to the concrete path in a fit of sobs, slowly curling up into a protective ball.

Harry immediately bent down to me and engulfed me in his arms, we sat there for a while until my sobs died down. I was huddled up between his legs with his arms wrapped around me in a comforting embrace. Harry kept whispering reassuring things into my ears until I had fully calmed down.

"My parents just told me I wasn't biologically there's. Then my biological parents turned up and said they wanted me to go and live with them overseas. I don't know what my last name is anymore." I whispered into Harry's chest.

He pulled away slightly to look down at me "I'm sure both of your parents love you very much, it doesn't matter if you chose to stay with your biological parents or the ones who raised you. A real parent isn't about blood, it's about love and devotion." Harry soothingly replied, squeezing me tightly against his chest.

"w-why are you here?" I whimpered, making him pull me tighter into his extremely warm chest as if I was going to disappear. "I'm with the band touring and I decided to take a run" he softly replied.

"No" I shook my head from side to side "why are you here, with me? I'm a stranger and you're acting as if we're a couple."

"I feel a deep connection to you and I feel like I need to protect you" the honesty flowing out into his sentence. My cheeks heated up and I rushed to hide them behind my greasy blonde hair.

"How long are you in Australia for?" I asked changing the topic, I didn't want to admit that I felt a connection to him as well, he was a stranger.

"Today was our last concert, so I'll be heading back to England tonight. Soaking up the Auzzie summer sun while I can now" I nodded my head in understanding.

"I-If I was to be in England then too, would you be my friend?" I tilted my head to the side to stare into his eyes while I fidgeted with his shirt nervous for the answer.

If my biological parents wanted me in Britain than I was going to need a friend!

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