Chapter 12

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*Recap* (Zayn's POV)

Bae grabbed my arm with both hands and began to mumble under her breath "why doesn't this stupid plane have seatbelts, it has a bloody bed for goodness sake..." I chuckled under my breath. 'She was perfect' I thought to myself 'and soon she will be all mine.'

*******Bae's POV*******

Thankfully the plane landed without a problem, despite the lack of seatbelts. It was still puzzling for me why a plane would lack simple safety measures.

Once we jumped off the plane, our bags were unpacked from underneath. I stared down at my two large bags and my hand luggage. Three bags.

Three bags, were all that held the life I had known a little over 24 hours ago. Unshed tears prickled at the back of my eyes.

"Bae is everything okay?" Harry asked, as he walked up to me and wrapped me in a hug.

"Everything's fine" I mumbled into his shoulder.

I wanted to stay here forever, wrapped in his arms, and the security he seemed to provide for me. I pulled away despite these feelings fluttering around my head. "We better go get a car to take us to the palace." I responded, before grabbing the handles of my bags and walking off the runway.

"I guess she really wants to see the palace" I heard Niall say to Harry as I was walking away. I was too far away to hear Harry's response.

"My parents haven't landed yet, I suppose we should go ahead to the palace. Apparently, there is a car waiting for us" I said to Liam. We were walking side by side off the runway towards the inside of the airport (London Heathrow). Once we were inside I saw an older lady, maybe in her early 50s, holding a plaque that read 'Bae Mountbatten-Windsor.' I re-read the plaque a few times before I was certain the name was mine. 'I don't think I will ever get used to having a new last name, especially one like that' I thought to myself.

"I thinks that's us guys" I nervously said as I started to walk in the direction of the lady holding the sign.

She smiled at us as she saw us all approaching, her eyes darted from face to face before resting on me. "It is a pleasure your Royal Highness" she said with a slight bob of her head "Alphas" she bobbed her again. 'Alphas?' I thought, what a strange greeting.

"No need for that, you can call me Bae. What's your name?" I responded.

Her eyes lit up "Violet my name is violet, your Roy-" she corrected herself "Bae."

I grabbed her hand to shake "it is a pleasure to meet you Violet, I hope to get to know you more. I don't mean to be rude, but would we be able to make our way back to the palace. The plane trip here was quite tiering" I smiled back at the lady in front of me.

Violet's eyes bulged out of her head like a small frog "How rude of me, of course. Follow me this way to the car."

"No need to apologise Violet. Thank you for taking the time to come and pick us up from the airport" I responded.

"It was my pleasure to come and pick up your royal highness and her alphas" Violet sincerely responded.

'That word again, Alpha. What does it mean.' I thought. "Violet, please call me Bae" I smiled back at the woman.

"Oh. I am so sorry your Roy-" she stuttered "Bae."

I was starting to like this lady, she was really sweet "I hope we can be friends Violet. It would be amazing if we could explore England together" I smiled to violet, lightly resting my hand on her shoulder.

Her face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Oh. I would love nothing more. You have honoured me Bae."

I was so confused why she was so happy for me to offer to go out with her as friends. Surely her reactions were not purely because I was the daughter of the Duke and Duchess.

Violet suddenly came to a stop in front of a stretch limo. 'Surely the car is behind the limo' I thought to myself, looking behind the car. There was nothing there. The boys laughed at my shocked reaction.

"You are the daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, did you think they were going to send a taxi" Louis continued to laugh.

"A taxi wouldn't have bothered me" I smiled back. Looking at the size of the limo's trunk I suddenly wondered where all our luggage was going to fit. "Will all of our bags fit into the limo?" I questioned Violet.

"No, Bae. That's why I'm here. I have another care over there" she pointed in the direction of a pathfinder "I will stay behind and pack all of your bags into my car and meet you at the palace." She smiled back at me.

I thought about this for a minute. "Sounds great, I'll help you pack the bags into your car and drive with you to the palace" I smiled back, before turning around with my bags and heading in the direction of Violets car.

"Wait, Bae. I don't think that you should come with me. You have a limo that you can ride in." Violet puffed out as she chased after me.

"I would much rather ride with you Violet, if that's okay with you?" I questioned.

"I would love that" she smiled "I don't understand though, when you have a limo?" she questioned, confusion plastered on her face.

"I loved driving when I lived in Australia. For me a limo would destract from the views on the way to the palace." I smiled back "if you would like to ride in the limo, I can get one of the boys to join me in this car?"

Her eyes lit up when I mentioned riding in the limo "Don't worry, I'll convince one of them" I whispered.

I turned my head back to the limo where I saw the boys fighting over who was going to sit where. I almost laughed, they were acting like children. "Guys" I yelled. Their heads snapped in our direction. "Could you help us load the bags into the car?" I asked with a wide smile plastered on my face.

The boys almost ran over with their bags and began packing them into the trunk of the pathfinder like tetras. A few minutes later the cars were ready to go.

"Who do you think the best driver would be?" I asked Violet, looking at the boys who were quietly arguing about seats in the limo again.

New update, yay!!! Hope you enjoy it.  

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