Chapter 2

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"w-we should have tol- told you earlier" my mother started.

I nodded my head for her to continue.

"Y-y-your not our biological daughter" she whispered, the words almost slipping past my ears like a slimy fish.

I let the words sink in for a few minutes.

"So you adopted me" my voice sounded strained as I spoke.

Both of my parents looked at each other before looking back at me, "we were looking after you until you were ready to be with your parents again" my father replied.

"Please don't tell me my biological parents are drunks, drugers or criminals" I almost yelled, scared for the answer.

"Ummm..." My mother looked uneasy at the question.

"Go get changed into something nice and we can finish this when you come back" my dad ordered.

I nodded my head once before scurrying off down the hallway towards my room, picking up my school bag and phone on the way.

I walked into my walk in closet and grabbed some knee length Jean shorts and my batman shirt, I tugged them on while wondering who my real parents were.

With so many thoughts running through my head, I could feel a headache developing behind my eyes.

Walking back down the hallway and turning into the lounge room, my parents sat where I had left them quietly, as if the smallest noise may break them. I was about to ask them to tell me more, when the doorbell rang and all of our heads snapped to the direction of the large opaque (tinted glass) door.









I stood there, frozen, unsure who was behind the door, and if I really wanted to open it to the strangers that were behind it.

"Bae, are you going to open the door?" my father gently questioned from his seat on the couch. I silently nodded my head, taking small painful steps towards the menacing door. My hand shakily reached out, grasping the cold metal of the vertical bar (used like a door handle) and I pulled the door forward to reveal a middle aged couple waiting patiently. I looked at them skeptically, my brain slowly ticking over and realizing that I had seen them on the TV many times.

"Hello?" I whispered.

"Hello Bae, we're here to talk to you and your parents. Could we come in?" the lady cheerfully pinned. Her mid-length brown hair shone in the afternoon sun and the man's blonde hair looked as though it had aged faster than the rest of his face; despite this his warm smile had me feeling like I could trust these people.

I turned my head to the side to look at my parents as if to ask them if this was okay. My mother nodded her head towards me as if this was a common activity.

 I turned back around to the couple in the door way, I moved slightly to the side and gestured in to the lounge-room. I was too shocked and confused to talk and my brain was finding it hard to connect the links that were clearly in-front of me.

I went and took a seat on the far side of the room away from my parents and this other couple. I needed room to think and if I sat down next to my mother I knew that I would soon be wrapped up in her warm arms and forget about all of the problems that now lay in front of me. I couldn't do that until I knew the whole story and why these two strangers were involved.

I sat perfectly still, breathing in and out slowly. The lady with brown hair turned her head towards me with a bright smile plastered on her face "It's so amazing to finally see you, we have both waited so long to meet you. I'm sure you have so many questions and I, we, want to answer them all, but we don't have time to answer them all right now we have a plane to catch. It will be such an adven..."

 "A plane to catch?" I threw in mid-sentence. Her eyes glazed over and she turned her head to her partner. "I'm sorry, I've gotten ahead of myself" She apologized before turning her head back in my direction.

I looked over to my parents pleading them with my eyes to give me answers on what was happening. My father's hazel eyes locked with my own as he talked, mimicking the soothing voice my mother had used earlier. "These two people are the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and the future king and Queen of Britain. Bae I would like you to meet your biological parents, William and Kate."

Everything froze, it was all so surreal. I was the daughter of the future King and Queen. I couldn't contemplate it. I had grown out of wanting to be a princess when I was 10, and now my wish had come true? It was too late, take it back. I want to be a nurse, not a Princess.

My thoughts continued to spin out of control, until I was brought back to the lounge-room by the sound of shuffling feet. I looked around and found my biological mother on her knees in front of me, holding my hand and staring deeply into my eyes. "I know you're confused, you want answers and I know you're scared and confused. I want you to listen to me carefully before you digest all of this information, okay?" I nodded my head towards her. "Your parents (she nodded her head to the people that had raised me) love you very much and to them you are their daughter. We are your biological parents and although we didn't raise you we love you very much and want to get to know you as an individual. We aren't asking you to choose between the two of us, we just want you to spend time with both of us." I nodded my head taking this information in. There was a lot to 'digest' and I knew I would need some time alone to think.

"Is there anything else that I should know? I want to take some time to think before anything else happens." I replied looking from face to face.

"We would like you to join us in England, where you will meet your family and be able to explore the country" My biological father said.

"We would like it very much if you joined them on this trip as you will be the future ruler of Britain and it is essential you know what to do." My father replied.

I nodded my head in understanding "I'm just going to take some time, I'll be back within half an hour" I said before standing up and walking out of the room. I walked down the hallway towards my room, I changed into some black long jeans and tide on some black boots. I grabbed my phone and some headphones before walking out the back of the house. I wanted to avoid both sets of parents. Walking up the long winding snake path I reached into my back pocket to grab my phone when I was hit by something hard. I waited for the impact of the hard concrete, but it never came. All I felt was light tingles dancing across my skin.

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