Chapter 6

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I want to apologise for the long awaited next chapter. I started University this year and the amount of assignments blows my mind. I have one last exam for this semester. Bring on the holidays!!! And bring on the chapter!


I stood facing the door a few more minutes after dropping my bags. What am I going to do? How can I rule a country, when I can barely remember to feed my goldfish?

My legs began to slowly turn my body away from the door and pulled me back towards my parents who were waiting in the kitchen. As I re-entered the room I noticed a mop of curly brown hair standing beside my biological father, when he saw me a smirk plastered itself onto his face.

"where's the party at, then?" I joked

"it just arrived." Harry responded.

My eyes scanned the room, the faces that looked back at me were solemn. "what's really going on?" I questioned

"A conversation for another time." My mother interjected "it's time for you and Alph- Harry to get going before you miss the plane."

My eyes began to water at the thought of leaving the two people that raised me. I ran straight into my parent's arms, breaking down into a fit full of tears. Time seemed to fade as I cried in both of my parent's arms, my father backed away first and was soon followed by my mother.

"I'm going to miss you both irrevocably, I don't know what I would do without you. I promise to call you every day, and travel back here as often as I can." I cried "I love you both so very much, take care of yourselves while I'm gone."

They both smiled, tears in their eyes. "We love you too honey, stay safe" my Mum croaked.

I slowly followed my parents to the front door, tears running down my face. I was taken into the arms of my biological parents for the last time as we concluded our farewells.

It felt as though a piece of my heart was breaking as we drove away from the house. How was everything happening so fast? It was just a normal day at school and now I was leaving with my biological parents to live in England.

As I looked around the limo I found both my parents were looking at me with a sense of curiosity and sadness. In that moment I realized that I had been caught up in my own turmoil and hadn't paid any attention to the parents who were seeking my love and attention.

"I apologise for not being more social, I never thought I was adopted before today, and now I find out I have four amazing parents and I'm the granddaughter to the Queen of England. It's a lot to take in at once." I sadly smiled towards my parents.

They both smiled and took my hand, "we aren't worried dear, we understand that you've had a tough day and need time to take in all of the information that has been tossed you're way. We are so happy that we will get to know the beautiful woman you have grown up to become." My father stated.

"We will have to take you to all the sights, I absolutely love the flower festivities that the British organise each year. I believe we have enough time to do some shopping before our planes leave, Harry told us about how you broke your phone. We must get you another one so that you can call us in an emergency." My mother smiled.

"I doubt we would have enough time for any shopping before the trip. It takes 2 hours to get to Sydney airport from here and we need to be there 3 hours before the plane leaves for international flights. Oh wow which would mean we would get there with one hour before take off." I looked at Harry in a panic.
He just laughed "we are travelling on a private plane, I can ask them to delay it for an hour it's no big deal love."
My cheeks heated up "oh", I turned to my parents "when does you're plane leave?"
They both smiled warmly at me " We thought it best to leave as close to you as possible, so we can arrive in London at a similar time." My father began saying before he was interrupted by my bubbly Mother. "Yes, we need to show you around the palace. It is exquisitely beautiful."
"Could Harry and his friends stay in the palace with us?" I questioned " it's just that I don't know anyone else, it would be nice to have some fun."
Harry began laughing again "actually you're parents already invited us to stay" he smiled cheekily as I scrutinised him. "Is there anything else you would like to tell me?" I questioned him.
"Ugh no not really, nothing coming to my mind" he joked.
"What about driving? I recently got my provisional license but I know you have to have a full license to drive in other countries"
My Mother smiled joyfully at me " that's the best part of being Royal, you can legally drive anywhere within the country."
" I believe my grandmothers license is out of date and she still drives" my father joked, I think.

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