chapter 5

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"We better hurry inside." I urged, grabbing his arm in the process and dragging him across the yard to the back screen door.

As soon as we walked through the screen door all of my parents rushed down the stairs towards us. They all wrapped me into a group hug, while ordering me to never scare them this much again.

Once they had all begun to calm down, they noticed that I had brought company along with me.

"Alpha Styles?" the Duchess or my biological Mother questioned. I suddenly became utterly confused at what was unfolding before my eyes.

"Your highness?" Harry questioned, confusion lacing his voice.

"Wait, so do you already know my Mum?" I asked Harry

He looked back and forth between me and my biological mother. "I didn't know you had a daughter?" he's gaze rested back on my biological parents.

"We kept her safe away from that world while she was younger, to protect her" my father responded sternly. "How do you know our daughter Alpha Styles?"

"Mate" He gruffly responded.

All of my parents responded with large smiles and began congratulating Harry. I was very confused at this point.

"What exactly is going on?" I questioned, looking back and forth from face to face.

"We will have to explain when we get home, darling. You need to go and pack your bags." My biological mother stated. I slowly nodded my head and began to walk up the stairs towards my room.

"Why don't you take Harry with you?" my biological father asked.

"Okay" I whispered, looking back towards Harry who was already behind me.

When we reached my room I sat straight down on my bed, unsure of what to pack and how to overcome the chaos that had formed in my brain after today's overwhelming events. My hands gripped my hair as my palms rested over my eyes, blocking out the world. At least for a moment.

Harry slowly came and sat down next to me and pulled me into a hug. I leant my body further into his side as I began to relax slightly. "What did you mean by 'Mate' downstairs?" I slowly pushed. He looked down into my eyes with something that I couldn't read.

"I promise to tell you soon, little one" he huskily responded, sending shivers down my spine. "I think it's best that you should start packing for our flight"

I nodded my head and pushed myself out of Harry's warm embrace, and stepped into my closet.

---------- 1 hour later ---------

"I have no idea what to pack? I mean they dress glamorously all the time and I just wear jeans" I groaned.

Harry chuckled from outside my closet "just pack whatever you want and it will look great" I sighed that is absolutely no help at all.

"Fine" I sighed. In one movement I had all of my dresses laid out on my bed ready to pack. With a few more trips back and forth I had a few pairs of jeans and all of my favorite shirts laid out to pack.

After they were all packed I stuffed my bag full of underwear, socks and my all-time favorite books. Grabbing a smaller bag I placed all of my decent shoes into the bag, alongside my laptop, Kobo reader and portable speakers.

Grabbing my handbag and bending down for my two other bags I announced that I was ready to Harry, only to find that he was lightly snoring on my bed.

I decided to take my bags to the front door, ready for my departure.

I found all four of my parents in the kitchen discussing something in hushed voices, curiosity got the better of me and I tried to overhear what they were talking about.

"I don't know if she's ready to know"- D

"It's too late now, she has found her mate. We are no longer thinking about her but also alpha Styles." - BM

"Honey, she needs to be told the truth about herself soon. We all know now that she has found her other half she will be..." -M

I sighed dropping my bags, they became so heavy. Who knew that they could talk for so long. All conversation stopped as I walked around the corner.

"Hey" I breathlessly sighed "I'm just taking my bags to the front door, I'll come back and have a drink with you" I smiled.
Picking my bags up again, I continued the short trip down the hallway towards the front door.

I stood facing the door a few more minutes after dropping my bags. What am I going to do? How can I rule a Country when I can barely remember to feed my goldfish?

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