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"Where are you going?" Aks Yoongi to me. "Oh uhm..." I said while thinking for and good excuse. "I'm going to my f-friend saying g-goodbye." I stuttered. He nodded "Okay make sure you come back safe."

Well that was easy... I thought. My idea wasn't even to go to a friend of mine. My idea was to kidnap someone who knows where those countries are and then kill them. "On to the airport." I smirked evil.

~on the airport~

I walked around the empty airport. It was 6am.. About this time the first pilots are coming. "Ma'am what are you doing here on this hour?" Said a guard behind me. Oh shoot! I left my guard down! Fuck!! I cursed in my head.

I turned around and faced the guard. "Oh Yea You know I left something in my car and I was about to get it!" I lied again. "Oh okay. Well next time make sure you don't forget something!" He said with a smile. Some people are too quick to believe...they need to learn they can't trust everyone on their path.

I was heading to the place where all the cars were but on the way I heard someone say they didn't have a plane for a flight to Brazil. "Exactly the flight we need..." I followed the man and ended up in the bathroom. "Why of all the places a freaking bathroom..." I said to myself in discust.

I waited till the man came out of the bathroom. "Uhmm sir...?" I ask." Yes Ma'am, can I help you with something?" he replied. "Do you know where the place Demon garage number 435 is? I kind of lost my way there." I said rubbing the back of my head.

"Oh you're new here aren't you?" I nodded "Very well I'll show you the way."


"Here it is." I bowed "Thank you very much sir." "Nothing at all!" he laughed. It was a few seconds silence until he spoke again. "We're all alone here huh." "Yes it's so silent here... I like it."

A nice way to kidnap you... Hehehe. I thought Evily. "wait let me get my stuff out of my car." I said rushing to my car. I was looking for a tissue and sprayed it with poison that will make you unconscious. I hides it behind my back. "I'm back! I've got everything with me now I hope."

"Good now we can go back." He said. "Oh wait! I forgot something!" "I'll wait here for you." before he can turn around I rushed of him and covered his mouth and nose so he'll breathe the poison.

"Sorry to do this but I need a pilot to fly to Brazil for eight people." I said before he lost unconscious. I put him in the back of the car and tied him up so he wouldn't hit me when he wakes up. I also taped his mouth shut.

~At the mansion~

"And where the hell were you last night!" Yelled Yoongi. "I told you.. I was with my friend." Yoongi's face was like he couldn't believe me. "Yeah right... And why did Taehyung find you on the airport..." Oh shoot I forgot that Taehyung was a ProHacker... Fuck I'm busted. I sighed "Fine I'll tell you the truth..."

"You better be... Because we we're worried sick when you didn't come back last night." said Jimin coming behind the door. The others also came in. "Okay long story short... I kidnapped someone."

"You did exactly what Jimin did to you." said Hoseok. I shrugged "Maybe but he won't be alive after he brought us to Brazil." Jungkook eyes wided "Waahh she's growing up fast!! To a normal city girl to a fucking serial killer!" I glared at him.

"Will. You. Shut. Up." I said. "Who said I am a serial killer!" I laughed evily. "Ok never mind.. You're more of a psychopath than a killer."

After a while of fighting we heard someone trying to talk but couldn't Because his mouth was taped. "Look who's awake.." I smirked walking up to him. I ripped the duck tape off his mouth what caused him a blood lip.

"I knew I couldn't trust you!!" he yelled at me. "Oh and why do yo  think that?" I asked curiously. "You don't have any colours in your eyes... You're lost in darkness." I clapped my hands "Congratulations!! You're very wise!" I laughed but in a second my face was without emotion.

"Impressive! Even The seven was afraid of a few seconds!" He said without a glimpse of fear. I've had enough of him. I got up aggressively and walked to my room. I came back with anger in my eyes.
I could hear Jin saying "She's even scarier than Yoongi..." the others just nodded and flinch a step back.

In my hands I had a pistol. "You better listen to me right here, right now or I'll end your life slowly!" I said pissed. "humpf you thing you can scare me like that!"
He is really testing my temperature! I was even more pissed now and I shot him in his leg. "Listen... You better bring us to Brazil or else..." I whispered in his ears.

~Ring~ ~ring~ ~ring~

My phone rang and I answered.

"I got you a plane!" said Eun-ha

"Good.. Where can I pick it up?" I asked.

"Today by my house."

"House? I thought you had a apartment.." I said confused.

"Yeah I bought a new house.. This is way bigger!! I love it!!" she yelled in happiness.

"Ok Ok... Well I see you later." And I hung up.

I smiled "Good news.. You're going to bring us to Brazil now." I said to the guy. "You bitch!" I turned away from him and laughed loudly. "Get your stuff we're going to my  best friend's house."

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