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"I'll tell you the story of the Mafia Kim's."

"It all started with your father finding your mother on the street. She was beaten... Kicked... Cut with a knife... Even with a flamethrower. Your father protected her until help came. He didn't have any guns with him because he was coming back from a meeting."

"In your father's mansion, your mother regained consciousness. He took care of her for a month. She slowly fell in love with him the same goes for your father. When they were attacked once, your father wanted to send your mother away for her own safety, but she didn't listen and never left his side."

"They won the fight, and your father asked your mother for a date. She said yes. He was happy because he had finally found someone who loved him. On the day of their date, they knew more about each other. Your mother knew then that he came from a mafia family. He was afraid she'd leave him like the other women had done to him."

"But she didn't... She's never left him since. They were even married and had a child. A boy. His name was Felix."

Felix? I hope they don't mean the Felix from the ADX Florence.

"Kim Felix was his name but he changed his surname to Lee Felix."

That's definitely the Felix of that piece of hell prison. But that means that he is my brother!!! No! No! No!!

"Where he is, we don't know because he hated his family and left them when you were 3 years old. He was 6 years old at the time. Your parents believed he died because a young child who doesn't know how to take care of himself can never survive on his own."

"....He is alive though... " I said softly looking down. They others looked at me in surprise. "Wait you have met him!?" asked the girl. "I don't know if it's him but his name you mentioned is exactly the same." I sighed. "His name is Lee Felix... And this is how he looks like." I said while shoving a hand in my pocket and showed them the picture.

" I said while shoving a hand in my pocket and showed them the picture

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The woman and the girl gasped seeing this picture. "T-that's him! It's definitely him! One hundred percent sure!" said the woman almost yelling. "That's the guy who's trying to kill us..." I sighed knowing he's my brother. "Anyway... Let's continue! I'm curious." I whined.

"We now know Felix is alive, but After he left his family, your parents had moved on as if he didn't exist. But what they didn't know is that as he got older, Felix gave more hatred to his parents. When he was old enough, he was going to kill his parents here in this house. It happened not so long ago. Maybe five years ago."

"After he killed his parents, he fled. We got to your parents just in time, they wanted to say something."

"What did they say?" I ask curious what happened next.

"Take care of our daughter... Tell her the whole story of what happened. Give her everything that used to be ours. And tell her we love her with all our hearts. Felix, too..... We love you."

"That's what they said as their last words... They love you." said the girl sad.

"Years were over... We Brazilians respect your family. We even put your parents in town as a statue. They fought for their lives to the end, together on each other's side. We tried to find you, but we couldn't when we knew you weren't in this country anymore. Our last hope was that one day you'll come to us. And that hope has come true!!" The woman said from sad to happy.

"Now back to this world. We want to show you your belongings."

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