A code

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As I promised I came to my friend's house after school. It took me about 10 minutes to get to his place, but apparently it took him longer since he took a longer route. He can be an idiot sometimes.
I waited for him by his front door until he arrived a few minutes later. He sighed when he saw me and asked, "How'd you get here first."
I chuckled lightly, "Took the bridge ya moron." I patted him on the head, "C'mon, lets get ya girls back?"
He nodded and unlocked his front door and walked in. I followed him and examined the place.
Inside was a pretty decent house. There weren't many doors on the first floor, or if I even got to see any, because my friend led me straight to a room, that doesn't have a door, that he plays videogames in. Not as cozy as my basement with the Wii U and Xbox one, but it was nice. He had a bean bag chair, a moderate sized TV, a couple soft couches and a table littered with randomness. He had game cases on it, battery charger, dishes and even some sort of card game based off of animes. On the back of the cards it read Weis Schwarz. Weird name.
Anyways I got right to the point, "Where's your phone?"
He pulled out his phone and handed it to me. He said, "Enderdragon messaged me saying he was still alive. It had to be him. Who else could E.D. be?"
I shrugged and started going into the coding of his phone. I inpiscted the app that he got the message from, Minecraft. It had to of had a trace that would lead him back.
There were thousands if codes in the game. I kept checking all if them until I reached a code that looked really weird.
What kind if code was that? It didn't use 1's or 0's. It used unusually numbers. I decided to put the code into a side file for later. I kept inspecting when my friend's phone got a notification fir an update on FNAF. I sighed and said, "There's an update for one if your games dude."
I heard him reply, "Just do it as a background."
I nodded and let it update while I worked. I kept working, not paying attention to anything else. There was so much code. Than all of a sudden the code changed to,
You shouldn't have copied a code.
Than all of a sudden I heard the notification sound when an update is compete and I fell into a strange darkness.

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