Since when is there a boss battle in FNAF?

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I'm coming for you Vincent...and you better be ready for a world of pain!
Great way to start Night 5, luckily Mangle and I managed to hide from Springtrap all of the rest of Night 3 and 4. We found hidden compartments, vent openings, even random boxes. All of this was too vague for Springtrap to know precisely where we were. Even now he can't fully understand what I am thinking!
You're in the office Vincent...and I am gonna kill you.
Well shit.
I felt a hand clasp my shoulder and I yelped a little but sighed with relief when I saw Mangle. She smiled at me, "I scare ya?"
"A little" I admitted. I smiled back at her and gave her a quick hug, than we blocked the openings with random boxes be found to prevent Springtrap from getting inside the office.
I can easily break my way through it kid...just you wait.
I clenched my fists and held my breath as I heard the sound of fast footsteps nearby. Mangle held my arm tight and I stared at the tablet.
Suddenly the boxes and random parts of the Freddy animatronic we used to block the openingot our left exploded out towards us. I covered Mangle to protect her from getting hit, luckily avoiding getting hit as well. Mangle looked over my shoulder and stepped back. I turned around to see Springtrap grin at me, "Hey kid..."
Let's have some fun...
I quickly sweeped my leg across the floor and made contact with Springtrap's leg. He fell straight to the floor and I jumped on top of him, my elbow hitting him in the stomach. He arched his back, throwing me off. He than took out and knife and pressed it against my chin, "You lose kid..."
Suddenly an arrow went right through his forehead and he fell on his back. I stared in shock for a few moments and realized it was an arrow from Minecraft. How in tow world?!
I turned around to see a girl in all white holding a pixelated bow, also from Minecraft. She sighed and looked at Mangle and me, "You two must be friends of Steve...well, he and all of Minecraft need your two's help. Steve has just become the Dark ruler of Minecraftia."

Five Night's at Freddy's, The Human GlitchWhere stories live. Discover now