Night 2

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Ring ring. Ring ring. Hey kid, wake up already!
It's that damn voice again. I heard it last night and was confused as fuck. Well, might as well wake up like it says or else I'Kk probably die.
I opened my eyes slowly to see everything blurry. Sort of pixel like to say. Oh, and also I am back in FNAF 1 for some reason. I looked left and right and saw that the whole place seems to have been turned into pixels, like some old 8 bit game.
I got up and yawned with a stretch. Man, my back hurts. It feels as if thousands of needles stuck themself right in my spine. My legs too, except with my thighs instead of spine since legs don't have spines (wow, second grade science).
I pressed the light buttons under the door buttons that were made of centimeter sized, white pixels. The hallways lit up brightly and to no surprise the walls and floor and everything out in the hall were pixelated too. The Freddy posters merely looked like a badly made bear NPC in an RPG. Same with Bonnie and Chica as I saw their posters traveling down the pixel hall. Now that I think about it, how did I even get here?
The minigames kid, that's how you got here.
I sighed with irritation that I started hearing the voice again.
I'm irritating to you? If anything kid I am helpful.
Yeah yeah, just shut up and let me explore this God forsaken place.
I finally got to the party room and I felt the blood drain from my face at what I saw. The party hats ripped up and sprawled all over the place, the tables upside down and against the wall, the stage empty and a man standing in the middle of the chaos. He wore all purple, including his hat that was meant for a night guard, a golden badge on his shirt and a giant grin on his pale skin. He held an old fashion phone, but only the communication part, not the dialing one. It was clear the phone was ripped from the dialing part since a wire hung from the bottom of it.
He started walking towards me with a twitch in his left eye every couple steps. His knuckles whitened and the phone seemed to crack a bit. I backed up nervously, having a feeling who he was. The man who was suppose to help me, but would now kill me. The man who killed 5, maybe 6 or more, children. He can only be given two titles in my opinion.
The Phone Guy or, to put it better, The Purple Guy. Run kid, run.
I did as the damn voice said and ran my sorry ass out of the restaurant and into the whiteness of the loafing of Nght 2.
When I awoke to my chair in Night 2 you can not believe how happy I was. I was not going to see that guy again now that I am actually playing the game. I smiled a little as the phone rang and on came Phone Dude, "Hey hey man, listen now. We got some new stuff, some drawings, posters and you won't believe it but an actual animatronic!"
My heart sunk a thousand feet as I remember how this game went. Night 1 nothing happens, than Night 2 you get the animatronic and now on from that I face the phantoms too! Shit ass mother fuck!
Woah now, calm yourself young one.
You shut the fuck up! You aren't being helpful right now so shut up!
I heard a screeching noise and my eyes widened. I opened the cameras and frantically searched for the guy. He wasn't by the arcade machine, the hall or gift boxes. Where could he be?! I than felt a tap on my shoulder and I froze still. I'm dead, I know it. I am so going to die. Goodbye world, goodbye friends and family! It was a fucking great ride!
I felt another tap and I put the tablet down. I turned toward the figure slowly and before I could get a good image everything faded black as I heard the 6AM bell.
(Wow, a load of words in this chapter.)

Five Night's at Freddy's, The Human GlitchWhere stories live. Discover now