NIght 2 Part 2

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In a couple minutes the phone rang again and I answered it to hear the phone guy from the last level or night, "Hello hello? Night 2 Eh? Surprised you came back. Most workers don't. Anyways, I wanted to tell you something important." I listened a little closer, "There's something going on. The animatronics are acting humans. Now we don't know why and hope you don't get a harder time because of this, anyways, have a good one."
I sighed and checked the cams on stage to see the bunny, Bonnie, the bear, Freddy and a blonde girl eating a cupcake, Chi-
I blinked. I am not seeing right. Did she really turn human? How did I trigger it? Think. What was the trigger of the human glitch?
The camera went out and I cursed. I closed the device and checked the lights. I saw nothing on either side. I sighed with relief and pulled up the cam and jumped out of my seat at what I saw.
Freddy wasn't on stage.
What the hell?! He doesn't leave on night 2!
I gulped and mumbled to myself, "I'm not ready for Freddy..."

Five Night's at Freddy's, The Human GlitchWhere stories live. Discover now