Chapter 3 - New York, New York

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I started to pack my suitcase for the week in New York. I'm going to travel to New York in a few hours with my whole class, which include Keira and Adam.

Every year, classes go on a excursion week. Which means that the whole class can fly to a place in the world. This year it's New York. I've been in New York when I was little but I can't remember anything that had happened there.

It took me hours to even find my suitcase and now I have to pack. I first put some outfits together, put them in my suitcase and then I pack some extra clothes too. Since I'm going to wear my favourite shoes – Vans, black with flowers on it – in the plane I only pack a second pair of shoes – black flats with a small bow tie in the front. To that I also pack my bathroom essentials. In my backpack I put my charger for my phone, my calendar, my wallet, my passport, my water bottle, my pills and some paper bags. Also earphones, gum, few random pens, a book and VS perfume.

"ELISABETH!" mum cries from downstairs. I quickly closed my suitcase and my backpack. Then I check if I forgot something. Everything is packed.

- - - -

In the plane I sit next to Keira. Next to Keira is the small corridor and next to it sit Adam and his best friend Sam. We're only 15 minutes in the flight, Keira is reading and I decided to sleep a bit. I put my earphones in and listen to Ariana Grande songs. Because I sit on the window seat I rest my head on the wall. I close my eyes and slowly fall asleep. I hear some motions going on next to me but I don't care.

"You can rest your head on me, if you want" I hear Keira whispering. I nod and change position.

I rest my head on someones shoulder. It isn't Keira and I know that without opening my eyes. It is the familiar smell that gives me a warm feeling. It's him, Adam. I'm about to say something but I'm to tired to even speak. I fall asleep next to my Adam.

- - - -

We arrive in New York and I managed to not get a anxiety or panic attack. Maybe because I was sleeping the whole flight or maybe because I was sitting next to Adam. Who knows...

Everyone rushes out of the plane except for me, Adam, Keira and Sam. We four don't like to rush things so we just wait until everyone leaves. Then finally we get out of the plane and meet the rest of our class waiting for us. Our teacher Mr. McAllister, who is responsible for us this whole week, counts if everyone is here and safe. Then we walk to the suitcase picking up area – I dunno know to call it – and get out suitcases.

Sam the gayest person I know – and the only guy I can talk to about boys – gets help by a hella fine looking airport worker.

"It's always him" Keira whispers to me and we both burst out laughing.

It's true. Sam always gets all the boys. Well not all the boys but other gay boys. You know what I mean, don't you.

We get in a bus after we had put the all the suitcases in its luggage space. The driver drives us to the hotel we're going to stay in. I share a room with Keira and two other friends of ours Hannah and Fiona. Adam's room is far away at the end of the hallway and he's in a room with Sam and Taylor and Ron.

We girls get into our room. A small hallway, to the left closet space and to the right the bathroom. Through the bathroom door, to the left a sink on cabinets with a mirror above and to the right the same. Then another door which leads to a room where the shower and toilet is. Out of the bathroom and further the hallway is a big open room where the beds are. Two on right side and two on the left side. I take the bed on the left side next to the wall and Keira takes the bed on the left side next to the window. Hannah is across from me and Fiona is across Keira. I push my bed against the wall and let myself fall in.

"Why do you push your bed against the wall?" Hannah asks.

"Just because" I say and bury my face into the pillow.

Fiona screams and I spring up.

"What?!" I ask.

"I forgot my brush" She says and sits down on the bed.

"You can borrow mine" Keira says and holds up her brush.

"Hashtag first world problem" Hannah groans and starts unpacking her suitcase.

- - - -

We finished unpacking and sit in our beds and talk about the plans for the week when it knocks on the door. I jump up and open the door. It was Mr. McAllister.

"Get ready girls!" He exclaims making sure everyone hears him "We go out for dinner! Be ready in 15 minutes. We meet downstairs at the lobby" He leaves again. I close the door and turn around. Hannah is already changing her outfit and so is Keira. Fiona was searching for something in her closet space. Man these girl are fast as heck.

I took an outfit out of my closet area and change in the bathroom. I change from black leggings and a sky blue sweater that I wore nearly all day into royal blue skinny jeans and a blouse that was tight around my waist but loose from beneath it. I brush my teeth and let my hair as it is – wavy because I curled it in the morning. I step out of the bathroom and Hannah and Fiona rush inside. I take my leader jacket and pull it on. Then I sit down on my bed and wait for the others to finish. Keira has a handbag with her so I put my wallet and my pills in it.

After exactly 15 minutes we stand in the lobby and wait for Mr. McAllister to tell us where we're going. My phone is in the pocket of my leader jacket and it buzzes few times.

I got a text from mum she wrote: "Have fun and take care, darling"

I text back: "Thanks mummy and I'll do for sure"

I send the text and someone's hands covers my eyes.

"You look great" A voice whispers. It's Adam. I turn around and he smirks at me.

"So do you" I say and scan his outfit. He wears black jeans with a white shirt. Damn, Boys in white shirts will be the death of me, I swear. Over his white shirt he wears a dark blue jacket.

- - - -

Mr. McAllister leads me and my class to another hotel. But this one is much more grand and famous than the one we're staying in. It's the Waldorf Astoria. Inside everything's luxurious and grand. A man even opens the door for you. A woman inside leads us through the building to a big room. Round tables with gold painted chairs and chandeliers above our heads and a big stage. It was absolutely stunning and breath taking. We all sit down. I sit between Sam and Adam. Keira sits next to Sam and Hannah. Classical music plays in the background and more people come inside. But they aren't students like we are. They are adults. Some are rich looking, some not. Some look like they are the real trend setters and some look like basic hipsters.

A man steps on the stage and takes the microphone.

"Welcome! Welcome ladies and gentlemen" He yells even though he has a mic. "Tonight is open music night. We usually don't do this in such a grand place like we are today, but we're really pleased that we got the chance. Everyone in this room and allowed to perform a song or maybe two" The man sings. He doesn't talk, he sings his words.

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