Chapter 5 - truth or dare

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Sleep is awesome. Everyone needs to sleep. Especially when you have a hangover.

The next day everyone who drank something last night has a hangover. Except for me.

I don't know why maybe it's because I'm 50% of my father and he certainly is a safe drinker. With that I mean that he drinks one beer after another and doesn't get a hangover the next morning. Mr.McAllister though, it hit him hard.

My classmates and I and Mr.McAllister sit in starbucks. Half of us wear sunglasses and drink coffee. Mr.McAllister sits across me and Adam and next to Keira. He's still half asleep and doesn't have sunglasses on, to cover his eyes. I feel very sorry for him. Keira rests her head on the wall next to her. Her black hair covering the half of her face. She takes a sip of her coffee every few second. Adam's next to me and seems pretty fit. He wears sunglasses which make him look very bad-boyish in combination to his black leader jacket. We would have totally match last night. I'm not a big coffee drinker, so I only drink a 'Orange Mango Smoothie'. It's really good and with that I ate a muffin. Surprisingly I'm not really hungry, so I feed Adam few pieces. He doesn't say anything. He just lets me feed him and drink his coffee every now and then.

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The rest of the day we did some sightseeing. We went through the Central Park and visited Statue of Liberty. As well as Rockefeller Centre, the Times Square and lastly the Empire State Building.

When we got back to the hotel everyone was tired and exhausted. Mr.McAllister went straight to his room to get some rest.

Adam, Sam, Taylor and Ron are in our girls room. Taylor lays next to Hannah on the bed. They are a couple for months now by the way. Sam, Keira, and I sit on the floor in the middle of the room. Adam sits on my bed next to Ron and Fiona is on her bed.

"We should do something" I groan and lay down. I look up the ceiling and think about what to do, when I get the perfect idea. "Let's play truth or dare!" I exclaim and jump up to get a bottle. Adam, Ron and Fiona get down on the floor and so do Taylor and Hannah. I take my bottle out of my backpack and sit down. We sit down in the circle and I spin the bottle.

"Sammy" I say and smirk.

"Before you ask, I take truth. SO what is it Elly?" Sam says and smirks back at me.

"Who is the hottest guy in this room?" I ask "Except you of course"

"I have to say. . . Ada - RON!" He exclaims and everyone burst out laughing. Sam spins the bottle and it's Adam turn.

"Truth or dare, darling" Sam asks Adam.

"I take. . . dare" Adam says and scratched he back of his neck.

"Perfect choice, my dearest" Sam says and gives me a you-know-exactly-what-I'm-going-to-do look. "I dare you to lock yourself and Elisabeth up in the bathroom for 3 minutes while we continue playing"

Adam stand up and reaches for my hand. I accept it and he pulls he me up. We go into the bathroom and I sit down on the cabinet. Adam locks the door and stands across from me.

"Three minutes starting now!" Sam yells.

"How long do we know each other?" Adam asks and leans against the cabinet.

"How should I know?" I ask even though I know exactly the date he moved in our street.

It was my 17th birthday, February 1st. I was at Keira's place and we watched movies when we head loud noises from outside. We wondered what it could be and went out. And there he was. Adam stepped out of his mother's car and looked around. Keira and I walked over to him and introduced him to the neighbourhood and I told him that I live few houses away form his. And that's how we met. The next day he started going to our school but in a different class. This year he changed classes and now he is now part of our class.

"I dunno" Adam says and looks down. After few moments of silent which for me felt like years Adam speaks again "Elisabeth."

"Yeah?" I ask. He looks up and our eyes meet. "Are you okay?" I ask.

I always wanted to be the one who's asking that question and not the other way around like always.

"Depending on your reaction" He says and I look at him confused. "you either have to forget everything I'm going to tell you or... I guess we'll see" Adam scratches the back of his head and then his neck. I see that he's really nervous. "I really like you" He starts. My heart skips a beat.

Is he going to tell me that he loves me? Or does he only like me as a good friend? What if he's going to tell me that he really likes me as a best friend? What if he says that he only likes me as a friend and that I should forget the incident at the library? All this questions rush through my head. Adam continues talking but really quietly. Is that a bad sign? It is, isn't it?

"I really really really do... like you a lot and not just as friends" He continues and looks down again. Now my heart skips two beats. His confession is certainly not healthy for my heart, is it? Or maybe it's the best for my heart? I dunno.

"I think... I- I maybe love you" He says and looks up at me. He steps closer to me and he's dangerously close to me. The door slams open and both, Adam and I step back from each other.

"Three minutes are over" Taylor says and winks at Adam.

Blog entry: December 9th

Maybe is a big word.

Maybe, certainly is a big word. It doesn't mean yes but also not no either.

Personally I hate the word 'maybe'. Like when you ask someone an important question and they only say 'maybe'. Seriously though how can this help me in any way?

Exactly it can't!

Telling someone that you maybe love that person is completely rude! AND doesn't help. Especially when that person tries to figure out, what the feelings that she/he feels mean.

Goodness! Give me some clear answers!

- Someone somewhere in this world.

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