Chapter 17 - Last Words

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"It's late" Dad says. "You should all drive home and rest. Tomorrow is a new day and I'll be waiting for you"

"It's already tomorrow" I explain him "It's way pass midnight"

"Another reason to drive home. Adam's parents are for sure concerned" He tell us.

"No, they think I sleep over at Ron's" Adam says.

"I'll stay with you, Daniel" Mum says and holds his hand. "But the kids have to go now"

"We're not kids, mother" Luke says trying but fail to hide his smirk.

"Let's go kids" I say. We say bye to our parents and Adam says bye too. I then take his hand and we leave the hospital. Adam drives me and Luke home. When we get to our house, we all get out of the car. My brother immediately runs inside the house. Adam leans against his car and I wrap my arms around his body. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me to him. I take his face with my hands and pull him down to me. We kiss, not a romantic as it was at the ball but as passionate and wonderful.

"I love you" He says and rests his forehead on mine.

"I love you too" I say and pull away. I turn around and start to walk to the front door of my house. But then I quickly run back and kiss him one more time. "I really do"

"and I really do so too" He says smirking.

- - - -

The last 3 weeks, I've been spending my evenings at the hospital with my dad. Luke and my mum are there too and sometime Adam comes too. Mother is now sleeping at the hospital every night and comes home in the mornings for few hours. Luke has been very good, he cleans his room and sometime around the house too. We even spend Christmas and New Year at the hospital.

After school I usually spend time with either Adam or Keira or my other friends. But in the evening I'm always at the hospital, spending some quality time with dad. He has his ups and down and lately he's been going very bed. The doctor said that we should especially now, spend a lot of time with him.

This afternoon I decided to go directly to my father. Adam wanted to meet up but to see my father is much more important right now.

I walk into the hospital, through the corridor to my dad's room. Luke is standing outside the door and waves at me to hurry up. I rush over to him and then I see the redness in his eyes. "What's wrong?" I ask him.

"They say that" tears roll down his cheek. "They say that" Luke says again "That dad won't make it"

"What do you mean?" I asked not believing what I'm thinking that he means. Won't make it as in he'll die? I'm not ready for this. Mum's not ready for this and Luke isn't ready for this either. We need more time. I - I need more time with my father. He can't die now. It's to early.

"He'll die, Elisabeth" Luke explains to him, turns around and hits the wall. " I already talked to him. It's your turn now and lastly mothers"

"I'm not ready for this" I exclaim. "I'm NOT ready for this"

"You have to" He says, opens the door and pushes me inside.

Dad is laying in the bed, hooked up to machines. Mum gives me a weak smile and then goes out. I slowly walk over to him and take a seat on the chair next to his bed.

"My beauti - beautiful daughter" Dad says. His voice is weak and he talks very slowly.

"Dad" I say and hold his hand. "Dad" I say again.

"Don't cry, little one" He says. I haven't noticed that I've been crying since I came into the room and wiped my tears away. I don't want his last memory to be of me crying. I try to smile and we squeezes my hand. "Don't cry. You don't have to" He tells me.

"I can't stop" I explain to his and he laughs a bit.

"Come on, Elisabeth. Your brother was strong. And you also have to be strong. I won't leave you" He tries to calm me down.

"Yes you are" I say.

"No. I'm not leaving you" He sits up a bit. "I will never leave you" He takes my other hand and I stand up and sit down at the edge of his bed. "I'll leave earth but I won't leave you. I'll stay in your heart. The biggest treasure chest someone can get, remember?"

I say nothing and he continues "Of course you remember! You wrote it in your blog."

"How do you know that I have a blog?" I ask him confused.

"I'm your father, El... I. Know. Everything." He says and I start to cry again.

"Remember what I told you?" He says.

"Okay, I'll be strong" I tell him and take a deep breath. I sit up straight and managed to give my father a weak smile. I wish I could smile brighter for him, but I can't.

"No, not that. Even though, keep that in mind too" He says and we both laugh "Remember. Always. That I will be in your heart and you can talk to everyday. I may not respond but I will listen."

"Promise me"

"I promise you and it's safe to say and the last promise I'll ever make is my favourite one. I love you Elisabeth" He tells me and pulls me into a hug.

"I love you too, daddy" I say as we hug. He kisses my forehead and then we pull apart.

"Do me a favour and send you lovely mother and" He says and I nod. "And Elisabeth. I love you no matter what"

"I love you too, dada" Are the last words I to my father. I leave the room and my mum goes in. Outside, I break into tears. To my surprise, Adam and Keira are. I go to Keira and hug her as I cry my eyes out. Adam stands behind me and rubs my back.

"He's my dad" I gasp "He'll be in my heart forever"

"I know" Keira says. "I know".

After mum talked with dad, Luke and I go in. Keira and Adam wait outside. I sit down on the edge of the bed and Mum sits on the chair. Luke stands next to the bed and we all watch my father, mum's husband, probably the greatest man on earth, fall asleep.

"I love you, family" Are the last words he says before falling asleep and never waking up again. He's still holding mum's hand and after few minutes a loud piep breaks the silent in the room. We all start to cry and mum wraps her arms around the death body of my father. I stand up and hug Luke. A doctor and nurses come in. The doctor pulls away my mother from the rest of my dad and she let's out a loud scream. She sits down on the floor and let's out another scream. The nurses push out the bed and with that, my dad. Luke and I go over to our mum and pull her into a hug.

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