Chapter 13 - Home

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"Sorry" I say and step back.

"You don't have to be sorry" Adam says and takes a step closer to me. We both say nothing and a honk from a car breaks the silence. I turn around and see my mum's car. The window of the front seat goes down and there's Luke with my mum.

"Elisabeth" My mum says and smiles at me.

"Mum, Luke" I say and step back from Adam.

"Hello Adam" Mum exclaims. "Get in the car, we'll pick your dad up" She says to me.

"You dad?" Adam asks me confused.

"I'll tell you... later." I say "Bye" I quickly hug him and then get into the car.

- - - -

After we picked up my father from the hospital, we drove back home. I made dinner for the whole family and was proud of my cooking skills.

"Since when can you cook, sis?" Luke asks with a full mouth. I swallow and take a sip of my water.

"Longer than you though, bro" I tell him and we burst out laughing.

"I missed hearing you laugh" Dad tells us and starts laughing too. Mum joins in because she thinks that my dad laughs funny. Every time my dad laughs, Mum start laughing too because his is so contagious.

By the time everyone was finally finished eating, nothing was left. We then go into the living room and turn the fireplace on. Luke and I sit on the floor so that father can lay down. He has 3 blankets covering his body and my mum sits next to him. They are holding hands and dad rests his head on mother's shoulder. I put a movie on and we watch and eat popcorn to it. After a while, I get tired and rest my head on Luke's shoulder. He then rests his head on mine.

"Don't we have the sweetest children in the world" Mum says to dad and he nods in agreement. Luke and I turn around to see them.

"Of course. The have the sweetest mother so it's just naturally" Dad explains to her. They kiss and Luke and I look away.

- - - -

After I got ready to bed, I opened a window and cleaned my room. It's Friday and I'm not tired at all. I should probably sleep since the winter ball is tomorrow but I'm just too hype. I put some music on and start singing. I'm not even finished with my desk area when someone called me. It was Adam. "Hey, Elisabeth" He says and I can imagine him scratching the back of his neck.

"Good day, Mr. O'Connor?" I ask and fall in my bed. I look up the ceiling and play with the end of my hair.

"In fact, Mrs. Jacobson. I do have a good day" He says in a strong british accent. I burst out laughing and so does he. "So tell me" Adam says after we calmed down.

"What do you wanna know?" I ask and roll onto my stomach.

"What us with 'picking up your dad'" He asks and my heart skips a beat. "Is everything alright?" Surprise that he didn't say 'okay'. I swallow all the fluid in my mouth and say " Kinda, I guess. My dad isn't doing well and he'd been at the hospital for the last few days but he wanted to be home for tomorrow" I explain.

"What is tomorrow?" He asks "It's not your birthday, I know that"

"The winter ball is tomorrow" I tell Adam.

"Oh yes" He exclaims. "Are you going?"


"Alone?" He asks.

"No, with Keira and Fiona and Sam and maybe Taylor and for sure Ron" I say "Are you coming? Fiona told me you'd have an appointment."

"Yeah I do... have an appointment. But maybe I'll come anyway" Adam says. I can't help it but smirk, thinking of Adam in a suit.

"Let's hope so" I respond and stand up. "Hey, Adam... I'll hang up. I have to clean my bedroom" I explain to him.

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow" He says. I hang up and sit down on my bed again.

I have to look perfect I think to myself. Instead of continuing to clean my room, I decide to get some beauty sleep. But before I go to bed, I update my blog.

Blog entry: December 19th

A lot had happened in the last few days...

Don't hate me for that sh*tty title, but I can't think of a better one to explain the situation. Because a lot had actually happened in the last probably 10 days. Actually this whole month is full of up and downs and down and now finally an up again.

Again, I can't go into too much detail (You probably all hate me for that) But I can tell you that sickness is a big subject in my life and probably in many others too. In life sickness is something that follows you around and never let's you go until the very end.

'People come and go'

I read this quote nearly everyday because it shows up at my newsfeed but that's not the point. The point is that it's may be the most realistic and true quote ever. Not like 'An apple a day keeps the doctor away'. That's just a complete lie and believe me, I tried it.

Anyway, 'People come and go' Usually people you most love come out of no where and usually people go when it's the worst time in life.

The reason why I tell you this is because: even if people go again if you really love them, then they'll stay in your heart forever.

Your heart is the biggest treasure chest you can get. Fill it with good memories.

- Someone Somewhere in this World xxx

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