Chapter 4 - Go Elly go!

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"Are you going to sing?" Adam asks me after the man got down from the stage.

"Only if you are" I say and take a sip of my glass which is filled with water.

A girl maybe 17 years old gets up the stage and sits down in front of the piano.

"I can't sing but I can play" She says and starts playing the piano. It was a classical and slow song. The big doors on the left side open and waiters come in pushing carts with food on it. The girl is still playing while the waiters hand out the food at every table. As far as I can see everyone has the same. Ratatouille with some garlic bread. The waiters disappear again and waitresses come out with bottle of champagne. They fill the glasses with champagne not bothering whether they are people who can't drink any alcohol or not. Mr.McAllister says nothing to us about not drinking so Keira and I share glances and take a sip the same time.

"You girls are certainly are not even 18" Sam shakes his head on us and Keira and I just burst out laughing.

The girl on the stage stand up and the whole room applauses. She leaves the stage and the classical music from before starts playing again. A band goes up on the stage and just sit and talk. They are probably up there in case someone needs a band for their performance. The band has nearly every instrument from pop to classical, I'm sure they can help if someone needs them.

The rest of the room starts eating and drinking and talking – having a good time.

- - - -

After dessert, which was the best dessert I've ever had, 3 boys went up the stage. On stage is a band but they leave after one of the boys said something to them.

"We can't replace 5 british boys but we're trying" One of them said. The other one took the guitar and starts playing some cords. Then the third one starts to sing. Together they cover One Direction song 'Little Things'.

"Go up there" Sam says to me. I'm surprised that it isn't Adam again.

"And then what?" I ask.

"Play the piano and sing" Sam says and winks at me. I don't respond. I just take another sip of my champagne.

The boys finish the song and the whole room is cheering.

"You know what" Adam exclaims "I go up there and then you have to do it too" He says and walks to the stage.

"YES ADAM!" Mr.McAllister yells. The whole class starts to laugh.

"Hello. I'm Adam and I'm going to perform" Adam says when he's on stage. He takes the ukulele – They really do have every instrument up there – and starts playing.

"I'm in trouble I'm an addict I'm addicted to this girl She's got my heart tied in a knot And my stomach in a whirl But even worse I can't stop calling her She's all I want and more I mean damn What's not to adore?"

When Adam sits down next to me again he puts his arm around my shoulder.

"It's your turn" He says smirking.

"Later" I say and look away from him.

- - - -

Some other people performed and right now a boy is on stage and play something classic with a violin.

"I'm waiting for you" Sam says. I glared at him. The boy on the stage is finish and everyone applauses.

"Fine" I groan and stand up. I walk up the stage and tell the band to join in when the think it's right. I actually don't care how this will go down I just want to do it. Just do it. I tell the band that I'll play something on the piano and sing a song by Ariana Grande. They nod.

I sit down by the piano I don't say anything. I just look into everyone faces. Everyone was silent. Everyone stop doing what they do and watch me. I started to feel a bit anxious and my hands started to sweat. Not now! Not now! NOT NOW! Play! Start playing! Not now! Don't panic now I tell myself in my head Fuck this shit.

I started to play and the pressure goes a bit down but my heart feels heavy. Not now! I play the song from the movie 'The Giver', Rosemary's song. (search in youtube the giver rosemary's song) The band joins in and it sounds really good.

I finish and smile. Everyone applauses, some are standing. Wow. One of the band comes over to me. I stand up and he sits down. He gives me a microphone and point to the barstool. I nod and sit down. Everyone is still applauding. And the table where my classmates are cheer louder and than everyone else and they yell my name.

"GO ELLY GO!" I heard Sam scream. Crazy people but I love them.

"Thank you" I say into the mic and smile. "This next song is written by Harry Styles and originally sing by Ariana Grande. This is 'Just a little bit of your heart'" I start to sing and the room is silent again.

". . . . . Just a little bit of your heart Just a little bit is all I'm asking for" I finish and everyone is standing and applauding. I give the microphone back and go off stage. Back at my table, I sit down and take a sip of my champagne.

"Damn girl! You're good" Taylor says and smirks at me.

"Thanks" I say. I'm kinda out of breath after all that singing.

"You were great" Adam says "Not that you're not great now. You're always great but..."

"Thank you Adam" I say and kiss his cheek. He blushes and scratches the back of his neck. He always does that when he's nervous.

"Goob job Elisabeth" Mr. McAllister say and pats my shoulder. He stands behind me and with a big grin on his face.

"Thanks" I say and take another sip of my champagne.

- - - -

Back at the hotel everyone is either tired or drunk. I'm both and so is Keira, Hannah, Sam, Adam and others out of my class. Mr.McAllister's drunk too and doesn't even check if everyone is here, he just goes to his room and shuts his door. When Keira, Hannah, Fiona and I get to our room, we quickly change into pjs. I change into white boxers shorts with laces and a loose, black tank top. All tuck in in bed, I immediately fall asleep.

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