Chapter 20 - New Start

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"It's great here, isn't it?" My mum asks me and Luke. We sit in a taxi, on the way to our new house. Mum and Luke are very happy to be here in England and both have big grins on their faces. "Oh there it is!" Mum exclaims. We drive pass a huge mansion with a big fence around it and big trees behind the house. The driver drives around the corner and we get to the front of the house. We drive in the drive way and stop in front big stairs that lead up the porch to the big front doors. A old women comes out and down the few stairs to us. We get out of the car and she welcomes me mother.

"Mrs. Jacobson! Nice to meat you finally" She says and nicely hugs mum.

"It's nice to be here, finally" Mum responds. The Lady smiles at me and Luke and then goes the stairs up again. "Welcome to the Oxford Retreat Centre" She announces and open her arm, smirking at us.

After the women gave us a tour around the mansion and the huge 'garden'. It's not really a garden, it's open green space with a small forest in the back and a small lake. Next to the mansion is a smaller but big house, where we're going to live. The ground floor is mum's territory, her office, the grand room, a conference room and her bedroom and bathroom are there. On the first floor is the kitchen with the dining room, the living/ family room and the big bathroom. On the second floor is my and Luke's bedroom and another bathroom.

The retreat centre is already good going and popular around Oxford. Mum is going to take over and make few changes, to make it a even more better place.

I go into my room and my bed and a new desk already there. I put my backpack down and take a box out. It's full of pictures and I start putting it up on a wall. When I finish, it's looks like a heart. Proud my of achievement, I push my bed under the window across from it. The room is similar to my old room except my door is not in the middle, in front of my bed. My desk, with the heart above, is across from my bed. Next to the desk is my wardrobe. Around the corner is a huge bookshelf build into the wall. Across from it is my bed and then the door. Next to my door is my dresser and my comfy long chair. All the furniture is the same as it was in our old home, except for my desk.

I look at my finished, furnished room and turn the lights off. It's already dark outside and the fairly lights that I hung up, light up.

"It's beautiful" Mum says. I turn around and see her leaning against the door frame. "Here, that's for you" She says and gives me a box.

"What is this?" I ask and take the box from her. I sit down on my bed and mum sit's down opposite me.

"It's from... Adam. Your birthday gift" She tells me. I totally forgot that it's my own birthday today. "Happy 18th birthday, Elisabeth." Mum says and kisses my forehead. She stand up again and says "My gift for you is downstairs" before she leaves my room again.

I open a box and inside is a even smaller box. I chuckle and turn music on, 'loving you tonight' by Andrew Allen. Then I open the smaller box and inside is gorgeous necklace. It's heart shaped and on one side are small swarovski stones and one the other side is something engraved: 'I'm with you'

I put the necklace on and fall into my bed. I stare at my ceiling and get lost in just one thought. This is a new start...

And that's how this story ends.

"If it's meant to be, then you'll fall in love again and eventually it will be the perfect timing and it will all work out."

Elisabeth's mother kept her promise and Adam and El, got their perfect timing.

Thanks for reading till the end and I really hope you enjoyed it.

Also, enjoy the epilogue. It's my favourite chapter out of all.

- Cynthia xxx.

Best Mistake (Someone somewhere in this world)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang