2. Make It Drop

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With August coming to a close and September knocking on McKinley's door, the Titans gathered in the locker room. The football team was just days away from the first game of the season and Coach Nicholas Graham stood before them, holding a clipboard and getting them pumped for practice.

"Now I want you to remember while you're out there that we're a unit," he said. "Improve your game as a team during these practice hours and you'll do better as a team out there on the big day. We lost some talented kids this year but just like some graduate and leave, new ones come in." He made eye contact with Alex, who was nervously tapping his foot. "And let's not forget that it was a freshman who came in last year and won MVP for the district." To the newer students, he added, "I want all you freshmen to take this lesson to heart. Alejandro Bin came in last year a scrawny kid and is now standing before you as quarterback. He's gonna lead us to victory."

He dismissed them and Alex rose from his bench, holding onto his helmet. Yes, he had kicked ass out on that field last year, but there were so many skilled upperclassmen who had helped him do that. He was only a sophomore and yet it felt as though the whole weight of the team was resting on his shoulders. The pressure was definitely on.


Not yet feeling that level of pressure, the New Directions gathered in the choir room after school. Sam stood before them, staring at blank bored faces.

"I want to start our year out by telling you all how excited I am to have everyone new on board," he said, glancing around at the eleven students in the room. "Now, it's not the full team yet, but that's okay because we've got plenty of time to complete our roster. And we're gonna attract new people by fostering a warm and welcoming environment. Isn't that right guys?"

There were some mumbles and murmurs but it was clear that the kids weren't yet invested. And why would they be? Some of them were total strangers. But there was a definite way to change that and he'd come in with a plan.

"I want us to spend this week getting to know each other," he said, grabbing an upside down top hat from atop the black grand piano. There are five new members and six returning so I want everyone to get into groups of four. Two new, two returning."

"Umm, Mr. Evans," Dominic said. "That Math doesn't really seem right."

"Ahh, of course," said Sam. "A clear demonstration of why we need that final member for everything to add up. For now, there will just be a group of three. But you won't pair up with just anyone. I've got the names of all our new members in this hat for you to choose from."

He shook the names in the hat and the kids murmured anxiously about who they wanted to pick.

"Alright come on up Elizabeth," he said. "Come choose two names." The petite blonde rose from her front row seat towards Sam and the hat. She pulled two slips of paper and carefully unfolded each.

"Teddy and Floris," she read them out. Floris looked behind him at Teddy, who smiled back in response. Blushing, Floris turned forward.

"Excellent," Sam said as Elizabeth returned to her seat. "And to your group I will add... How about Lucas?"

Lucas had been busy sitting in the back row, texting. He glanced up and responded, "Huh?"

"Elizabeth and the two new guys," Mia told him, rolling her eyes.

"Yes and why don't you come up next, Mia?" Sam told the Cheerio. "Get over here."

Mia walked across the choir room to him and pulled out a name. With a smile on her face, she announced, "Perla." The other Cheerio clapped her hands excitedly and Mia reached for a second name. With her face souring, she read out, "And Lola."

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