3. Relief

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Sam was in a good mood. The New Directions were looking strong. They had good dancers, very strong vocalists, and now enough popular kids that could actually help with people liking them.

It wasn't as bad at McKinley as it was when he was a student. Slushies weren't use as weapons, for one. It helped that they had gotten rid of the machines in the cafeteria. But still, the school wasn't as receptive to them as he hoped, and it was always a goal of his to improve the club's image, for the mental well-being of its members.

After last week, it seemed that they were all friends. His students were happy, they were all friends, and they were on their way to a Sectionals trophy.

As he walked into school, however, Sam found that this wasn't the case. One of his captains, Dominic, was being tackled onto the lockers by the school quarterback, Alex. 

Sam rushed to them, getting in between them and holding Dominic back. "What's going on here?" he shouted. 

Instantly, some of the onlookers began to disperse. Dominic pointed at Alex and shouted, "What's going on is this guy keeps trying to steal my girlfriend."

Sam looked from Alex to Dominic and then found Mia standing on the opposite wall, watching them with wide eyes. "This is ridiculous," she told them.

"All I did was stop and talk to her," Alex said to Sam, frazzled. "Then this idiot came all jealous and went crazy on me. Maybe that's who you should've been talking to the other week about managing his anger."

"I'm doing a great job of managing my anger," said Dominic before attempting to go at him again.

Sam held him back and said, "Alright, I hate to be uncool but you both have detention at lunch today. In the choir room." The bell rang and the rest of the crowd began to move. "Go to class."

The guys stared at each other and then Dominic turned to Mia. She looked so angry at him and didn't even bother looking at Alex before walking away.


"Oh come on," Santana sighed, leaning back on her chair. "They're teenage boys. I mean, how many times did you get into a fist fight in the hallway? I distinctly remember you and Finn going at it over Quinn Fabray."

Sam shook his head. "I know, but that's no reason for me, as an adult, to let the guys beat the crap out of each other every time they get into an argument. Look, Dominic is a good kid. He's in student council and he's my captain. He never gets into trouble like this. And I've spoken to Alex a few times. He has a lot of potential, too. I don't wanna be like Ms. Sylvester and suggest the kids just fight it out in the parking lot. I want to be more like Mr. Schue or Finn. I want to help them get along."

Santana rolled her eyes at him but said, "Fine. If you insist on getting involved, then you already know what you need to do."


At lunch, Sam walked into the choir room to find that Dominic was already there, his food in a paper bag. Seconds later, Alex walked in, too, stopping at the entrance. 

"Any seat is fine, Alex," Sam told him. He predictably sat at the opposite end of Dominic, in the back row. Sam grabbed a chair and sat it in front of them, turned around. He sat down, facing them, and asked, "So why don't you two like each other?"

Nobody answered. 

"Nothing?" asked Sam. "Ok. It seemed like Mia knew something. I guess I could go get her."

"Don't," Dominic stopped him, taking a breath. "The reason we're not cool is Alex seems to think that he has some sort of claim over Mia."

"That's not..." Alex began, but he looked at Sam and stopped himself. He looked away and neither boy said another word. 

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