12. Wrapped Part 1

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Quinn Fabray stepped inside McKinley and took a few quiet steps down its empty hallways. 

[🎶"the 1" by Taylor Swift.🎶]

Quinn: I'm doing good, I'm on some new shit. Been saying "yes" instead of "no." I thought I saw you at the bus stop, I didn't though.

She didn't think she'd find herself there again, not so soon after last time, but something about visiting before made her miss home. 

Quinn: I hit the ground running each night. I hit the Sunday matinee. You know the greatest films of all time were never made.

She arrived at the spot where she remembered her locker being and flashed back to her most pivotal teen moments. Crying to Finn when she told him about her pregnancy... Fighting with Puck... Kissing Sam... 

Quinn: I guess you never know, never know. And if you wanted me, you really should've showed. And if you never bleed, you're never gonna grow. And it's alright now...

Hugging Santana and Brittany... Rolling around in a wheelchair with Artie... Saying goodbye to Rachel... She'd lived through a lot.

Quinn: But we were something, don't you think so? Roaring twenties, tossing pennies in the pool. And if my wishes came true. It would've been you.

And then she found herself back in the choir room, where she saw all of her old friends from back then dancing about the room as Mr. Schue laughed and her heart filled with joy. All the weight used to fall from her shoulders back then.

Quinn: In my defense, I have none. For never leaving well enough alone. But it would've been fun. If you would've been the one.

Then, they all disappeared. And she was facing a new batch of kids, their faces young and fresh. 

Quinn: Hey, yeah-yeah. I persist and resist the temptation to ask you if one thing had been different... Would everything be different today?

Sam stood by them, watching her with stars in his eyes as she smiled back at him. Santana was beside him, pleased by her presence. And next to her was Sam's girlfriend, Gwen, who seemed sweet and perhaps a little scared.

Quinn: We were something, don't you think so? Rosé flowing with your chosen family. And it would've been sweet. If it could've been me.

Quinn smiled regardless of that, feeling like she'd finally come back to the one place where she'd felt she truly belonged.

Quinn: In my defense, I have none. For digging up the grave another time. But it would've been fun. 

And she looked gratefully at Sam as the song came to an end.

Quinn: If you would've been the one...

The room filled with applause and Quinn's heart felt warmer now, having missed the experience of singing a song for everyone and receiving that kind of reception. It was hard to do that anywhere anymore.

"Quinn Fabray everybody," Sam clapped the loudest of everyone else as he joined her up front, giving her a tight hug. He pulled away but kept an arm around her shoulders, telling everyone, "Quinn has a very exciting month ahead of her. She wrote a book, which is going to hit shelves next week."

"Yes," Quinn nodded proudly. "But I wanted to gift everyone here with a promotional sample before I flew out for the official launch in New York. I have copies for everyone that we can pass out."

She nodded towards Mia, who was holding a basket of books. There was another one beside her, which Alex helped her with. And as they passed out the books, Sam said, "It's a great book and I think you'll all gain a lot from it. Once again, Quinn, thanks so much for stopping by."

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