17. New Year's Eve Part 1

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So (finally) here's what you missed on Gleeboot if you even care about this series anymore!

Teddy and Floris are super in love and Perla and Lucas thought they were too until they started cheating on each other. Mia cheated on Dominic with Alex and now she's super in love with him but she doesn't really show it. Lola likes him too even though Ricky is super into her although he might be into Elizabeth or maybe even Kat. Mona doesn't get involved in all the drama and just wants a reprieve from her neglectful parents.

And that's what you missed on — GLEEBOOT!


"Man, it feels good to be back," said Ricky as he grabbed his coffee order from the counter, handing Lola her refresher as the two of them turned to find an empty table. They were at the popular coffee shop, The Lima Bean, and Ricky felt more refreshed and renewed than ever.

"Really?" asked Lola as they sat down together at a small table. "You missed Lima while you were on vacation in Los Cabos? How on earth do you go there and miss this?"

He took a sip of his coffee, savoring the taste, and then put his cup down. "I just missed home," he said. "I was only gone a week but it feels like it's been a year. At least."

"Is that what it feels like to be away from me?" she teased.

"Definitely a factor," he nodded. "But don't get me wrong. It was fun spending the holidays somewhere beautiful and warm with my moms but... It's nice to be here, too. You seem like you're doing good, too."

She met his eye and forced a smile. "Oh yeah," she said. "Christmas was... eventful. I spent time with family. Hung out with Elizabeth, got a weird threat from Mia, might've also pissed off Kat. The usual."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Ricky was taken aback. "What the hell did I miss?"

"It's a long story," Lola sighed, shaking her head. "But I'm just glad you're here now."

"Same," he said, smiling back at her. "I'll get to spend at least one holiday here. Speaking of... Got any plans for New Year's yet? Because my moms are doing their own romantic couple thing after making Christmas all about me so... Whatever you're doing, I want in."

She pressed her lips together, holding onto her drink. "Well," she responded, "there is this party but..."

"I'm in," he said. "Immediately."

"Um, well..." Lola glanced up at him nervously. "Once I tell you who's throwing it... you may change your mind."


Lucas stood in his parents' cabin, by a lake at the edge of Lima, and watched as the crew he'd hired brought supplies inside to set up for his big New Year's Eve party. He'd been throwing a big party there every year since he was a freshman, but now as a junior there was a higher chance that more people would come. It was always a big rager, but he was eager to see how the fruits of his increasing age and popularity would bear to the big event.

Though he chose a different holiday each year, this year New Year's Eve seemed like the perfect time for the party. Not only was it a fun, sexy holiday... But right now, it was exactly the kind of distraction he needed.

His talk with Perla hadn't exactly gone as he'd hoped.


As Perla and Lucas sat down together in his family's den, he couldn't help jumping right into business. "Who was that guy you were posing with?" he asked her. "In those pictuers."

"A friend of one of my cousins," she said guiltily. "But nothing happened. I was flirting, yes, but I never kissed him on the lips. And I swear I never slept with him." Lucas looked away, uneasy about it. So Perla asked, "What about you and Joyce Carner?"

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