16. Christmas Parties

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So here's what you missed on Gleeboot:

After being apart for months, Mia and Alex are back together and she wants them to be an IT couple but he just wants to spend quality time with her. Lola wants to be one of the girls really bad but some of the girls haven't warmed up to her. Teddy and Floris are dating even though some people don't really like how Floris dresses and kids at school were mean about it. Dominic has been really sad, like really sad, and his birthday party with poker and strippers didn't really cheer him up. Lucas and Perla are dating now but they left things really rocky after she caught him hanging out with strippers and now no one knows where they stand.

And that's what you missed on... Glee!


You've reached Perla. I'm not available right now so just leave a voicemail and I'll reach back when I can. Bye!

"Come on, answer already," Lucas said, hanging up before the tone. He dialed again but this time it went straight to the voicemail.

Frustrated, he lowered his phone and began to text her instead, begging her to answer his call. But when the message sent, it turned green. He shook his head. Perla had an iPhone. He had an iPhone. The message should be blue.

He narrowed his eyes as he closed iMessage and opened up FaceTime instead, scrolling down past all the history of his calls with Perla to find one with Dominic. As he dialed, he paced his spacious bedroom, trying not to let the anger build up.

When Dominic answered, Lucas didn't let him speak. "She blocked me," he said immediately. "She fucking blocked me, man. Fuck!"

Dominic rubbed his eyes. It was too early in the morning for Lucas's volume and he'd clearly been sleeping in. "Who?" he asked dazedly.

"Perla, obviously," he said. "I can't believe her. She's making such a big deal about this whole birthday strippers thing. And now she's in fucking Guatemala avoiding my calls like it's not already hard enough to fix this with her being three-thousand miles away."

"Maybe she doesn't have good signal," Dominic shrugged. "That happens when you do international calls."

"No, she fucking blocked me," Lucas reiterated. 

"Just give her space then," Dominic suggested. "I mean, I'd be pretty pissed about what you did, too. She has a right to be upset. Hell, I'm still a little upset about it."

Lucas made a face, puzzled as he asked, "You? What do you have to be upset about?"

Dominic sat up, scoffing, "Are you kidding me? You bombarded me on my birthday with strippers and alcohol and my ex's new boyfriend and his pals. It was a terrible party."

"That's very ungrateful of you," said Lucas. But he dismissed it quickly, "Look, I helped you out and tried to show you a good time. I was being a friend. And Perla needs to get that. She'd do the same if not more for Mona or Mia. Maybe I just need to make her talk to me. I wonder if I could get a good flight to Guatemala two days before Christmas... I need to find out where exactly she's staying first."

"No," said Dominic immediately. "Don't do all that."

"Why not?" Lucas asked. "Think about it. It's romantic. It's spontaneous. She'll love it. And it'll force her to hear me out."

"That's stalking, dude," Dominic shook his head. "Don't do that to her. Serious trespassing of personal boundaries. She blocked you to not deal with you right now. Respect that. Okay? You can't control other people, not me and especially not a girl like Perla."

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