==Chapter 20==

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              His dermas connected to mine. I was shocked. I thought it was just a dream. It became reality? I give into him, pushing his helm a bit. He pushes my helm back in response, but still keeping our connection. We adjust our dermas on each others, softly brushing our frames together. His servo travels down to my side, rubbing softly and comfortably.

              We break and hear a voice "Hey, lovebirds!" We turn to see Wheeljack with a blank face "Wishing I hadn't walked out to this. Prime, mission is starting." Optimus nods, leaving me and walking to the door. The wrecker then growls at me "And shoulder pads, get your aft inside as well.... We'll talk later." Prime stopped and turned to him questionably. At the door, Wheeljack opens it and holds it for Optimus to which he walks in. Then glares at me, before going inside himself. Shutting the door behind him. I shake my helm, walking over and trying to open it but it didn't. I groan and walk around to the other door which was still open a bit.

            I slip inside and go to the group. They were talking about energon that was exposed. Prime announces "With our reserves at a critical low. We cannot afford not to investigate." He ejects his mask and Raf fires up the bridge. I stand back. Allowing them to go on their mission so I don't screw anything up. A bunch of them leave, leaving Prime left. He looks to me "Aren't you coming?" I answer "I don't want to mess anything up." He sighs and walks over, pulling me to him and placing his crest on mine "You won't...." He then whispers "No matter what you do, I know that you won't mess up." I nod and smile at him, grabbing my forge and placing it on my back "Alright. Let's go!" He smiles back "That's the spirit." And together, we run through the bridge.

            When we get there, Optimus calls out "Decepticons! Step away from the energon and surrender." Like always, they don't listen and begin firing. Prime shot back. I then jump off the cliff and Wheeljack yells at me "Shoulders!! Don't you fragging dare!!" He jumps off along with. I bring out my forge, running down the cliff side with it in hand and then bringing it down on a few vehicons. The other 2 wreckers came down, killing a few of the others. Wheeljack with his whip and katanas, Bulkhead with a gun and wrecking ball. Next was Arcee, Bee, and Smoekscreen who came from behind, shooting at the rest. Smoke shoved a con through a rock, getting him stuck by using his phase shifter. And then down came Optimus.

            All fell silent until I heard Smokescreen call out "Commander!! Behind you!!!" I turn to nothing but the light of a blaster shot. It then turn back to see Prime with blaster raised. "A decepticon tried to creep up behind you." I nod "Thank you, Optimus. And Smokescreen too!!" The rookie smiles brightly and jumps around happily. Wheeljack crashes his party "Knock it off with the silly dance. That compliment meant nothing." Smokescreen looked to him and said "What crawled up your exhaust pipe?" Wheeljack growls again "Nothing! I just know Magnus enough to.... NOT.... Give out compliments. They're always stupid orders or correcting people saying that he's sir!!" Arcee argues "Wheeljack. He's changed! He hardly does that anymore." The wrecker still counters "When this stupid problem is fixed, he'll be normal and he'll deny everything! WATCH him!!" He eyes me with a death glare, ejecting his mask.

        He then walks over to me and brings my helm down to his level with his katana which hurt really bad. "Listen here, 'commander'. You aren't gonna get to my mind by acting all innocent! Suck it up or get off team Prime!!! Bulkhead and I were.... And are the ONLY wreckers that Prime needs!!! And don't think that stupid affectioniate kiss from back at base was real. Prime is hard headed. No one gets to him." He whips his katana away and I step back, holding my neck. I got dizzy quick. I turn to Optimus who was furious, glaring at the white wrecker with the same death glare. He then softens as he turns to me "We'll talk at base."

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