Coming Home (David Essex One-Shot)

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When your husband, David Essex told you he had to work on your birthday you did not want to believe him. "I'm sorry (Y/N). I tried to get out of it, really I did, but my manager wouldn't let me. Besides, it's just one show, and I can spend the rest of the whole day with you." You understood that it wasn't his fault, but you couldn't help the selfish feeling of hurt that his words gave you. "You're right, I'll be fine, David."

    Your birthday started off like any other and you almost forgot that David was double booked, taking his presence for granted. Then, the phone rang and David removed himself from you to answer it. You couldn't hear both sides of the conversation, but it didn't sound good. "Do I have to? ... Right now? ... It's just that... Alright, I'll be there." You couldn't help listening to the snippets and tried to remain calm when David returned. He couldn't bring himself to make eye contact with you when he broke the devastating news. "That was from the venue, they're a bit paranoid about the show tonight and want to start doing sound checks immediately." Your heart sank at the words, but you were still determined to spend as much time as possible with David today. "I'll come with you. If that's allowed, of course."

"I don't see why not."

    You walked into the venue with your arm linked into David's. There were many people busting around and you could tell that they thought of you as a nuisance. It wasn't long before David was whisked away from you and put on the stage. He didn't seem himself during the rehearsal and kept aiming sympathetic looks your way until you were asked to leave for distracting him. You walked up to him to say goodbye, feeling significantly more miserable than before. "Just perform as you normally do. There is no reason to feel ashamed. I'll see you here later and I'll be cheering you on in the crowd as usual."

"Thanks (Y/N). This is probably for the best, you can go off and enjoy your special day." 

     The only thing is, it didn't feel very special without David and you ended up looking forward to the concert that had ruined your day in the first place. You found a place right at the front of the crowd and managed to just enjoy the concert. Your husband was such a great performer and you even enjoyed looking at the faces of the other fans beside you, with him being able to show off his true talent. Quite a way into the show, David began some sort of speech "You guys are such an amazing audience and I'm having a great time. Are you all having a great time? To tell you the truth, I didn't want to do this show tonight at all. Nothing against you lovely people, it's just that it's the birthday of someone really special to me and I feel as though I have let them down a bit. So, why don't we welcome onto the stage my better half!" At this you became so shocked an stunned as you were helped up onto the stage. You had never done anything like this before and felt quite exposed and self conscious as David took your hand. "I thought we could all sing happy birthday, even though it's not actually one of my songs. Haaapy..." You couldn't believe that David surprised you with this. There was no guessing how many voices combined in the chorus to wish you a happy birthday and you became teary eyed as you turned towards David at the end of the song. Removing the microphone from his mouth, he said "Happy Birthday, my love. Sorry that it was a substandard one." He then kissed you, causing the audience to cheer. "Now, how about a request for the next song?"

Before you say anything, I know David Essex is a solo performer. But it's MY 18th birthday and MY choice and he's on my birthday cake, so David Essex it is.

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