Ordinaryish People (Jack Met One-Shot)

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Your boyfriend was in a band with his brothers and they had been making music from a young age, being fairly successful online. They were so talented and inventive with creating their sound so you were skeptical when Jack asked you in to record a portion of their newest song, but willing to go along with it anyway.

It was a matter of a couple of lines, but you couldn't help being extremely nervous. You were by no means a singer and didn't even participate in karaoke. Jack was there with you, recording the intersecting lines and he just sounded so perfect and effortless. He tried to reassure you, telling you that he just really wanted a female voice on the track and he had heard you sing along to songs hundreds of times before. Even though they always recorded in their living room, the atmosphere all feel so different and scary. You kept choking on the few words with people expectantly listening in.

"Why don't we take a break, (Y/N)? You can just practice and maybe we can record another section in the meantime?" You gave your boyfriend a small nod, appreciating his kindness but feeling so useless and just wanting the whole thing to be over. As Jack left you on your own, you took the opportunity to try and sing your lines without watchful eyes on you. You couldn't believe it when your voice came out the best it had all day. Now, the tough part would be replicating it.

When Jack returned, you started to tell him that you felt ready to record, when he interrupted you "I know, I heard the whole thing and was recording the whole time. You did it perfectly!" You felt annoyed for a split-second that he would go behind your back like that, but it was replaced by an overwhelming feeling of relief that your job was done. Jack played it back for you to hear and you couldn't help but cringe at the sound of your own voice. "Oh no, I can't stand it! It will ruin the whole song!" Jack gave a slight laugh at your dramatics. "No, (Y/N), it's really great! No singer enjoys the sound of their own voice." You nodded your head, accepting the fact and letting them use the recording. "How do you manage it? Do you still feel the same way?" You ask your boyfriend, incredulously.

"Yeah, every single time. He's a real diva." Adam butted in.

It was amazing to have been part of such a brilliant and well performing song, having been there first hand as it came together. The making of 'Weak' was a story that would stick around and that the band loved to tell. Five years later, it got a great reaction from fans as they listened to the different parts that resulted in trial and error until it became the song they all knew, loved and instantly recognised. You watched from the side of the stage, beaming as your boyfriend danced and sang through the first verse. You stepped out onto the stage to sing your lines, no longer feeling shaky or embarrassed about your voice and a whole audience sang with you. It was an amazing feeling to look over and see such joy in the face of the man you loved, doing his favourite thing alongside his favourite person.

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