Sacred Simplicity (Jane/Mason)

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As the final bell rang throughout McKinley signalling the start of the weekend, Madison cheerfully made her way down the hall to her brother’s locker, where Mason stood, putting books away.

“What’s the word, hummingbird? Are you driving us home?”

Mason turned to face Madison, his expression perplexed. "Uh, no. Jane and I are going out for pizza, remember?"

"Ohhhh. Right."

“Cool. So... I'll see you tonight,” Mason said, unsure, after a moment of silence. He started to turn around to walk to meet Jane.

"Wait!” Madison shouted, and Mason spun on his heel to look at his sister, resisting the urge to roll his eyes at what was sure to come. “Just a piece of advice. Do individual slices, not a whole pizza. I know you are a teenage boy and can probably consume the greater part of Ohio in one sitting, but you are dining with a lady and I don't want you to make a fool of yourself. Plus, the dairy in the cheese isn't good for your singing voice. So take it easy.”


“Oh, and be the gentleman. Jane may be a tad bit strong willed, but that doesn't mean you can't open doors for her and pay the bill. If you are going to do this, do it right.”

“Hey, Madison.”

“And respect her! Remember, no means no, and silence is not consent. If you are going for a little something something, make sure you use protection. No balloon, no party."

“Madison!” Mason shouted, finally shutting her up.

"Sorry. Just…” Madison paused and recollected herself. “Have fun, Mason. You deserve a nice night."

"Thank you,” Mason smiled, glad that Madison’s brief reign of terror was behind them.

Mason liked to think that he had the afternoon all planned out. He was going to greet Jane after school, they would walk a few blocks to the nearest pizza place in Lima and have a nice, calm evening to get to know each other a little better. Very little margin for error, this option was definitely playing it safe, which Mason was certainly more than willing to do.

But then he saw Jane and she looked really unbelievably cute, and Mason’s brain sort of short circuited, and all plans went out the window as Mason decided he needed to shake things up a bit.

“Hey, Mason!” Jane greeted as Mason approached her in McKinley’s parking lot. “Ready to devour some pizza?”

“Let’s take a walk,” Mason said quickly, not even putting much thought into it himself. Jane blinked.


“Pizza can wait,” Mason shrugged. “I thought we could be adventurous, for the day. Try something different.”

“You are just full of surprises,” Jane said, with a growing smile. “I don’t know if I should be excited or scared.”

“I think it might be safer to stay both,” Mason nodded.

They dumped their backpacks in Mason’s car, but abandoned it in McKinley’s parking lot as they prepared to explore their hometown. They began walking on the sidewalk, exchanging small talk about Glee club (“I’ll be surprised if Myron survives the week.” “Five bucks says Kitty will be the one to kill him.” “Please, Rachel will beat her to it.”), Cheerios (Mason had a huge meet coming up and Jane insisted that she wouldn’t miss it for the world), and the weather (surprisingly warm for fall, thank God). They ended up making their way to Ottawa River, where they walked down and found a nice place to sit under a bridge.

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