Tea Party (Klaine)

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A/N: I know a lot of you have already read these next four. I had them individually posted, and I just figured that it didn't make much sense. So I'm moving them under this story.


Friday afternoon grocery shopping, finally done. Thank God. Kurt absolutely hated grocery shopping. It was the only kind of shopping that didn't appeal to him at all. That's why he was determined to make this one a little bit more interesting...

"Hi, honey! I'm home!" Kurt called, kicking the door closed with his foot and dumping armfuls of plastic grocery bags on the kitchen counter.

Almost as if calling a puppy, Blaine came trotting in, greeting Kurt with several messy kisses before going straight to the bags.

"What are these?" Blaine asked, pulling out a cardboard box from one of the bags, curiously.

"Cookies, I think," Kurt replied, smiling mischievously as he began unpacking some of the other grocery bags. Blaine's eyes lit up excitedly as he tried to open the box, only to be slapped away by Kurt.

"Not yet, Blaine. Hasn't anybody ever told you that you need to wait until after dinner before you can have dessert?" Blaine frowned slightly, then furrowed his eyebrows in sudden thought.

"Hey, why'd you buy cookies anyway? You never buy me sugar."

"For good reasoning, baby. But I actually have a surprise planned tonight."

"Ooh, what is it?" Blaine begged.

"If I told you, then it wouldn't be much of a surprise, now would it?" Kurt smirked, knowing exactly how to drive his husband insane.

"Aw, come on, Kurtsie..." Blaine pressed his body up against Kurt's in an attempt to tempt him. Kurt just laughed at him, pushing him away and putting a carton of eggs into the fridge.

"No, Blaine. You can help me make dinner, though. Do you want chicken or pasta?"


"Okay, pasta it is," Kurt chuckled, pulling out a box of pasta from a the last shopping bag.

"Did you get the bowties?" Blaine said, peeking to look at the box.

"No, I got whole grain rigatoni. It's better for you."

"I like the bowties better..." Blaine grumbled, crossing his arms and leaning back against the counter, pouting.

"Seriously, Blaine. You're like a five year old kid. Get the bowl from the cabinet and fill it with water, will you? I'll find the saucepan..." Kurt's voice trailed off as opened the dishwasher and grabbed the pan. Blaine did another pout and obeyed; he knew what would happen if he didn't.

The making of their Friday night dinner went by pretty uneventfully. Kurt basically bossed Blaine around the kitchen, and Blaine obeyed without protest, knowing that if he didn't, he wouldn't get to eat. And he needed to eat. Blaine set the table up nicely, using Kurt's favorite maroon placemats and fancy silverware. Not soon after, a steaming plate of "fake cardboard pasta", as Blaine called it, was placed on the table.

Blaine sat opposite Kurt, playfully kicking his shins as he ate. Kurt didn't respond. The two began their meal in silence. Not an awkward silence. More like a I can't talk because my mouth is too filled with pasta kind of silence. Only once the amount of pasta on their plates and the amount of room in their stomachs dwindled down did they begin to start a conversation.

"So... what's the surprise?"

"I already told you, there's no way I'm not telling you! It's supposed to be a surprise!" Kurt chuckled.

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