Chapter 16

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I was beyond stressed out. It was Monday morning and no one had seen White since she disappeared. All Saturday evening and all of Sunday, nothing. Genevieve assured me that they'd search everywhere, and they were still looking. So, I had no choice but to go on like normal. I was just praying she would make a big entrance into the classroom like always. Sitting at my desk, waiting and my friends watching me worriedly didn't help. I was getting worse with every passing second. So, when the door opened, I whipped around quickly. But was crushed by the sound of soft footsteps opposed to the usual sound of heels.

"Genevieve." I said desperately, standing quickly.

She looked at me sympathetically.

"Go, the north tower, hurry."

"Thank you." I said, snatching up my bag and running out of the classroom.



"Just as I thought."

I turned, still leaning against the railing. Eren was out of breath and clutching his sides. Dropping his school bag, he came rushing forward once he caught his breath.

"Where have you been? No one's seen you since Saturday."

"There were some things I needed to do."

"Things you needed to do!?"

"Yes, like make sure this reality stays the way it is. That we don't mess up time."


I sighed at Eren's confusion.

"The word timeline is completely incorrect. See, time is not a fixed line, it's fluid. Like a tree in a way, branches growing out of a trees and branches growing out of those branches endlessly. Each of these is an offshoot, different choices, actions, and conditions affecting each one. Like in another reality it could be raining or we could be in the south tower. In order to keep this reality on the right path, we have to go back in time. It took me time to get all of the ingredients for the spell and I need to know the right time. That's why I disappeared and was gone for so long."

"I don't understand. Why did you leave without a word?"

"This necklace, I remember it for when I was younger and there was no mention of it in the letter, so I knew it was time. And I didn't tell you because it was dangerous to get all of these ingredients and you'd want to come along. I couldn't have you being killed with trying to get some sands of time. I received the spell from this time period me when I was younger, and even then, I knew it would be hard to get thr ingredients. They're also highly valuable so I had to hide many of the ingredients I had collected over time."

"But, why do I have to come?"

"Believe me, the only realities where this works is when you're with me. I've checked my looking glass many times."

"Looking glass? Like a mirror?"

"No, a mage's looking glass. It always you to look at all of the different realities out there, the ones that haven't been destroyed at least."


"Later, but we have to leave....oh, about now if this is going to work."

I point to the symbols on the wall. It was like a clock, numbers and symbols from different languages and lore going in a circle. But instead of click hands, it was an infinity sign on it's side like an hourglass. It was painted in blood and other ingredients for the spell. I pulled Eren over to the wall and pulled out a small knife. Cutting my hand, I watched the blood rise up to my skin.

"O dominus temporis, ibi da nobis." I recited, pressing my bleeding palm to the symbol.

The symbol started glowing red, then blinded us with a flash of white light. I was pulled into Eren's chest, shielding me from the blinding light.

Time travel is not fun, just so you know. Waking up on the hard ground kinda hurts. Getting up, I dusted my self off and looked around for Eren. He upside down on a bush, groaning.

"Get up, we have someone to go find."

"Who are we going to find again?"


"Wait, this time period you?" Eren questioned, scrambling off the bush.

"Yep. We're 11 years in the past, when I was nine. You would have been six at this time."

"Six? Wow."

"Let's go."

So, we headed off to the nearest town. I remembered traveling these roads the first time. It was nostalgic, but I had learned never to get attached to things, never give yourself something to feel nostalgic about. But of course I was breaking that principal, and it was okay. The town was pretty small and it was maybe two or three towns away from where I found Eren. When we came to the town, Eren was frowning in thought.

"What?" I questioned.

"I feel like....seen this place before. Like it's familiar, you know?"

I gave him a look and he seemed to get it. We were literally on the way to my past self and he asked if it was familiar. I rolled my eyes and we kept going down the street.

"No, but look at this one!"

I smiled as I heard a young girl shouting excitedly. Grabbing Eren's arm, I pulled him to the side of the street to a little stall. I glanced to the girl and her companion, trying to get her attention while at the same time not. White hair bounced in loose curls around her shoulders and a light blue tunic hung loosely on her small frame. Her back was to us, but I could see the profile of her companion. The very sight of him sent shivers up my spine, knowing what he was already doing by this age.

"What are we doing? Shouldn't we be going over there?"

"No, not yet. Knowing myself, it would be easier to lure her in. If we chase her down, she's going to run."

Eren grumbled with impatience. Taking his wrist, I lead him down the street again, towards the two children. By the time we were approaching them, they had turn towards the street. As we passed, my younger self locked eyes with Eren, who smiled lightly at her. Then her eyes moved to me, widening. But we kept going.

"You were adorable. And so small." Eren commented once we were further down the street.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I hit puberty and filled out, big deal. And I wasn't that small."

"So, what now?"

"We wait, you can feel them following us can't you? And we wait over there." I said, pointing to a snowball shop.

Snowballs flavored with fruit was a big hit in Arcana. I certainly knew I loved them. Raspberry, raspberry was my favorite. But I hated the sight of red on snow. Many of my battles had been fought on snow I created. I smiled nonetheless and dragged Eren towards the little shop. And two minutes later, we were sitting with snowballs.

"5...4...3...2...1..." I mouthed.

And then my younger self and a younger Crow slid into the seat across from us. Crow watched us suspiciously and my younger self was leaning forward, scowling at me.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"The Grey Mage."

A/N- Keeping on schedule. I did almost forget. So, I'm still looking for some feedback on whether or not I should post that story I finished. Also, I've been working on some new stuff. Literally, a ton of stories that are half written are stilling in my library, including this one. I've been meaning to come back to this one, but my head doesn't want to. I'll keep posting, but we may go on hold when we reach the last chapter I've actually written. Anyway, still want that feedback. Bye.

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