Chapter 8

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"This is the School of Magic? It's so small." Eren said as we came over the hill.

It had taken about another day to reach the School of Magic. The small castle sat on the edge of a small town. It did look too small to be the School of Magic, but Eren didn't know what it really looked like on the inside. I stomped my foot, creating a path of ice down the hill towards the small castle. I shoved Eren, making him fall over and go sliding down the ice. I laughed and stepped onto the ice, sliding down it. As I hopped off the ice at the botton, Eren glared at me. I laughed, seeing his hair covered in frost.

"You didn't have to shove me."

"Sorry. Let me help you get the frost out of your hair."

I ruffled his hair, knocking out all of the frost and ice. He glared at me as I did so, but then smiled.

"You look like a snow fairy." He said.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, your hair is white and your eyes are blue, you have ice on the bottom of your hair and on your eyelashes, and you've got these faint icy blue swirly marks on you."

"Oh, yeah. My family has always had an affinity for ice magic. It's kind of rare, snow and ice are really temperamental and hard to control. I was really surprised when you were able to do that ice path with even a little success."

Eren reached up towards my face. I swatted his hand and stepped back.

"What? You have a snowflake marking on your cheek. It's too bad the snow fairy stuff doesn't last very long."

"The snowflake markings stuff shows up when I'm cold too."

All of the ice and markings had disappeared. I started walking towards the castle and Book floated up, out of my holster. He floated slightly ahead as we followed behind. I could tell he was excited to return to a place full of magic and truthfully, so was I. But I was still worried and feeling uneasy.

"How is this a school?"

"It's a magic school moron, there's more to it. You think mages want normal humans to just waltz in?"


I sighed and walked into the small castle. A man sat in a room in the middle of the courtyard. He looked up at us as we approached. He smiled at me then waved me past, towards the door behind him. He looked at Eren then back at me, quizzically. I nodded, saying it was okay. He smiled again and went back to what he was doing.

"Well, he doesn't talk much." Eren commented.

"He's a golem, he can only speak when spoken to."


"Yes, he's an earth golem, so he looks closest to human than other golem types."


We entered the next room. It was completely empty except for a red wooden door on the other side. As Eren stepped forward, gold lettering appeared on the archway around the door.

"To pass through this door, show your first magic." Eren read aloud.

"Think carefully about it's meaning."

"That's easy." Eren said.

He knelt down and placed his hands on the ground. The ground began to frost over and finally ice began to snake it's way towards the door. But the door didn't open. Eren looked disheartened. I put a hand on his shoulder, looking at him sympathetically.

"Eren, it's okay. Think about what Book said, maybe it has another meaning. Like mine, I accidentally caused a unicorn to come find me. And don't ask how, it's embarrassing."

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