Chapter 13

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White laid quietly beneath her sheets. She had passed out after I had balanced her aether. I was tired but nowhere near what White had felt. Book had instructed me how to do it and Genevieve watched from the door. I stood up and quietly walked towards Genevieve.

"I'll excuse you from class. Thank you, Eren."

"If it's White, I'll do anything to make sure she's alright."


I handed the note Genevieve gave me to the teacher and hurried to my seat. The teacher went back to his first day lecture.

"Dude, where did you go?" Cain, who was next to me, whispered.

"Forget about it." I replied.

"It's got something to do with Lady White, doesn't it?" Abby asked, leaning forward from her seat behind me.

"Forget it, I'll tell you later." I hissed.

"Sounds bad." Kayla whispered.


"Oh my gosh, poor Lady White." Kayla gasped.

"Geez, that's horrible." Cain agreed.

"At least Eren was there to help her." Abby said.

"It could have gotten really bad. It was really weird though, what would cause a sudden thing like that?" I wondered.

We sat around a table in an underground classroom. Everyone was chatting around us as the teacher wasn't here yet. I noticed how people kept glancing at me and my friends. Suddenly an explosion went off in the side room, making everyone jump. A man with crazy white hair sticking out in all directions and large, thick glasses came out, coughing.
"Sorry about that. I believe I used a litle too much gunpowder. Now-" he stopped and looked in my direction.

He shuffled closer and leaned towards me. I leaned away from him, but that didn't stop his examination. He grabbed my face, moving it around to look at it from all angles. I slapped away his hands and he pulled back, smiling.

"I apologize, I got carried away. It's not every day you get a school celebrity in your class."

"School celebrity?" I questioned.

"Yes! The whole school is simply buzzing about the famous Eren Hawthorne. The mysterious and talented young mage brought to us by Lady White herself, and rider of the Laviya. And might I add, quite popular with the ladies of the school."

"Seriously? I haven't even been here two days."

"Damnit! I will beat you Eren!" Cain shouted, jumping out of his seat and pointing at me.

I sighed and grabbed his wrist. Ice quickly started covering his arm.

"Ahhh! Get it off! Get it off!" Cain paniced, waving his arm around.

"Now I know how White feels." I sighed. "Cain, sit down or I'll set you on fire. It's just ice, it will melt in a minute."

Abby and Kayla were hysterical with laughter. I smiled and shook my head.

"Well, now we can add ice user to that list. Very hard to control, especially at a beginner stage. But what can you expect when you were taught by Lady White, after all her family excels in the field." The teacher said. "There's a reason they called her the Snow Queen growing up. Well, enough of that. You can call me Al, short for Mr. Alchemist."

"Sir, how come we never hear about Lady White's family?" Kayla asked.

Mr. Alchemist stopped, his back to us. He slowly set down the bottle in his hand and turned to the class. There was no trace of the smile he had moments before.

"It's sad what happened. It will be 20 years in a week, a month and two days after Lady White's birthday. The last battle between black and white mages was finally over. Of course, the main war had been settled years before, a few families would fight here and there. No one quite know what happened but it seems they had gone off to settle something and on their way back to their forces to celebrate the end, they were attacked. Lord Zander and Lady Miranda were found dead by a young woman that may have been a relative. She might be the only person ever to know what happened to them, but she disappeared. It was a day of mourning for everyone. I had know Lord Zander since he was a child."

I looked and noticed that every girl in the room was wiping away tears. I couldn't begin to imagine how White felt. I had lost my mom, but at least I had time with her. And I was never close to my dad over our disagreement on magic, but I had him. And I had my little sister. But White had no one. I couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

"We should all do something for Lady White's birthday! Her birthday was a few weeks ago." Kayla piped up.


"We should do that!"

"Let's throw a party!"

Everyone started agreeing. Kayla and Abby looked at me.

"What does Lady White like?!" The both asked.

"Well, she likes cake, that's for sure. Um, she likes snowflakes and.....Well, I don't know what else. She never really talked about that too much."

"She has a liking to foxes!" Mr. Alchemist piped up in the background.

"We need a cake." Kayla said.

"And we can get some of the higher students to help us decorate with snowflakes." Abby continued.

"How about we host it on Saturday?" Cain suggested.

"Let's do it!" I agreed.


"Are you feeling better?" I asked.

White looked up from her papers and nodded.

"Much, thank you." White said with a smile.

"What happened?"

"Doesn't matter."

"White, you know you can tell me."

"Just forget about it. So, how are things with your new friends?" White asked, the tiniest hint of bitterness in her voice.

"Fine. Turns out Cain's not a total ass, Kayla and Abby are pretty cool too. But it felt weird since you weren't there teasing me."

"Did you forget about me?"

"And Book's sarcastic comments." I added.

"You'd better not forget it. Honestly, where would either of you be without me?"

"Who knows, but I would have been less annoyed growing up." White said.

"Hey White?"


"Why did they call you Snow Queen growing up?"

"Other than the obvious reason? Well, I was pretty cold to people. The way I grew up, I grew up mostly alone and didn't know how to handle people, so I kept my mouth shut. People must have taken it the wrong way and they called me Snow Queen."


"What was your childhood like Eren? What's it like to have a normal life?"

A/N- Hey guys! It's my birthday today! So as a present to you guys, I'm posting a chapter. We got some back story here and we'll get more next chapter too. I love you guys, keep reading. Bye!

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